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Is it ALWAYS windy at Borth?
ajdesq - 24-4-2003 at 19:55

Greetings again from windless Tarifa. Is it my imagination, or does it seem to be windier at Borth than most other places in the UK? Is Al just lucky or is he making up all those diary entries?

The question is, what¥s the wind normally like there between July and end of September? Just wondering....


badexcuseforasailor - 25-4-2003 at 06:08

I can back up the entries that Al made over Easter. I made the trip upto borth for Easter and it was Very windy would of been nice to of had a bit less. I think I live in least windy place in the UK stuck down here near london


justal - 25-4-2003 at 07:01

Originally posted by ajdesq
Is it my imagination, or does it seem to be windier at Borth than most other places in the UK?

Well, its windy here at the moment, and this end of Borth does seem to get more than its fair share of wind.
The guy who came to service the gas fittings in our caravan lives at the other end of Borth and said something along the lines of 'I could never live down here' When I asked why he said ' because its always so bloody windy!!'..... Little does he know.

At the weekend, Jane kept calling Borth 'The Pozo of Wales'!!

Is Al just lucky or is he making up all those diary entries?

They did used to call me lucky Al at uni... only because I got better marks in everything than they did.

The question is, what¥s the wind normally like there between July and end of September? Just wondering....

Thats the only problem here, there is NO pattern to the winds throughout the year.. except for the fact that we can get the katabatic winds described elsewhere on cold, sunny winter mornings... Other than that its just pot luck... I can assure you though if you were here between July and Sept you would get some sailing in. We do get a bit of a sea breeze effect in the summer as well (if it gets warn enough) which creates a decent NW wind in the afternoons. Not always, but often enough to get out with a 6.5m sail.

I've just looked through my old diaries and the stats are something like this:

Windsurfing: 5 sessions
Kiting: 4 sesssions

Windsurfing: 4 sessions
Kiting: 6 sessions

Windsurfing: 5 sessions
Kiting: 3 sessions

Windsurfing: 4 sessions
Kiting: 1 sesssions

Windsurfing: 5 sessions
Kiting: 3 sessions

Windsurfing: 9 sessions
Kiting: 2 sessions

Windsurfing: 6 sessions
Kiting: 1 sesssions

Windsurfing: 7 sessions
Kiting: 5 sessions

Windsurfing: 7 sessions
Kiting: 2 sessions

I also seemed to go surfing a fair bit during these months and did quite a few gorge walks. Remember also that I wasn't living in Borth at this time and would have other commitments that meant I missed some sessions, so you should be able to add a few sessions on to each month I shold think.


ajdesq - 26-4-2003 at 10:50

Hmm... cheers for the info. I guess as ever it¥s pot luck wherever you go. Here in - ahem - ¥windy¥ Tarifa, we have diddly squat wind predicted ALL WEEK!!! Ah well, will just have to sit in the shade reading windsurf mags, drinking tea & eating fig rolls. It¥s a tough life.

justal - 26-4-2003 at 17:17

Well.. I was out again yesterday with a 5.7m and again today... Looking even windier for tomorrow as well.

I think Borth does get more than its fair share of wind. Its known as a pretty windy place by the locals.


Dave - 26-4-2003 at 17:49

It's the windiest place I've ever lived, but it is not that predictable.

One advantage is that you can sail in most wind directions, as you can either go to the estuary or to the front.

I don't get out as much as many who live around here, (I'm still trying to get my waterstart sorted so I can feel comfortable in the waves), but it is a good place to live.

I also have a full time job!!!

I didn't make it out today as I had to cut the grass, and stuff and by the time I got there it was raining like hell. We also get lots and lots of rain.

Dave - 27-4-2003 at 21:36

Serves me right - See my diary entry for today.

It's been windy all weekend, until I decide to go out.

justal - 28-4-2003 at 06:11

Well, you could have experienced the other 5, 6 and 7 o'clocks and got out in the morning on the estuary!!!

Hehehe... They do exist, honest!!
