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Getting to the airport with a Surfboard
mexican bandit - 18-3-2003 at 18:59

Just trying to find the cheapest way of getting down to Gatwick, and parking is so expensive that I'm considering taking public transport.

What's the best way of getting there from the Midlands with a surfboard. Is public transport an imposibility? National express say they won't carry a board (and I don't know if I can trust them). Anyone have any comments on the trains, or other services available.


Mex Bandit

ajdesq - 18-3-2003 at 20:29

Had the same problem myself at times. Windsurf boards are simply too big to carry on a train (btw - I¥m a train conductor!). You¥re more than likely to be thrown off for blocking exits etc. If you decide to drive, be careful too if you¥re alone. The airport car park shuttle bus drivers get sh***y about taking boards too... be prepared for stand-up arguments.

The only successful way to do it is really to get a mate to give you a lift.

Bugger what certain pros say in articles about taking kit with you - it simply ain¥t worth it for less than a month¥s holiday. And if you are travelling alone and you¥re lumbered with kit, how are you going to go for a pee? Life can be that bit tougher without a fan club in tow...


mexican bandit - 19-3-2003 at 08:59

Cheers Andrew.
At the moment I'm trying to convince a mate to drop me off at the airport. I'm bribing him with petrol money and a breakfast along the way. If this doesn??t work I??ll then brave the train.
Just hope that after all the work the waves are worth it.
