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Dahab - Club Dahab and Hilton
zebedee23 - 20-8-2004 at 11:15

I am thinking of going to Dahab next August as part of my honeymoon and staying at Dahab Hilton whilst using Club Dahab kit and instruction.

Does anyone have any experience of these - I have been to Club Vass for 3 years in a row so know I can trust them!

badexcuseforasailor - 21-8-2004 at 17:46

Ive been to Dahab twice in the last year
I stayed at the Swiss Inn both times had a great time, had chance to go again in november but 3 times in a year is a bit much.
What I heard from people while there is that all the Hotels are great apart from the Club Dahab standard rooms which some are very shabby, all good things about the other hotels.
I spoke to a few people on the Club Dahab instrution and hire all good.
Most of our nights were spent in the Club Dahab bar too, Swiss Inn was very nice but a bit quiet in the evenings.

Make sure you take snorkeling gear also a camel pack hydration system as the wind is cross off and its a bit of pain get back in to get a drink with the windshadow.

Just ask if you need anymore info

I dont' have any info onthe honeymoon part though


Dave - 23-8-2004 at 16:32

Becky and Sean (from Vass) were the instructors when we went in Feb. I think they spend Summer in Vass and winter in Dahab. They were great!!!

I am told the Hilton is nice, but we didn't stay there. (we were in the shabby rooms) but it was ok - and the shower was hot. BEFS must have higher standards than I do.

The kit was all new North sails and Fanatic boards.

I thoroughly enjoyed it and would recommend Club Dahab to anyone. We are going again in October.

[Edited on 23-8-2004 by Dave]

eeski - 23-8-2004 at 16:42

i dont know much about the hilton but looks and sound nice of what i have read . but i am of to the Swiss Inn next month so thanks for what u say about it badexcuseforasailor .
everything i have read and heared about dahab is all good