I've just finished another website that you lot should be interetsed in. Its been built for Shem who posts here fairly often and has
just set up a kite-surf school in this area...
Take a look at http://www.kitesurfwales.co.uk
Shems a cool bloke, so if you decide to treat yourself to some kite-surfing lessons, he's your man. You'll learn lots of new skills,
and have a good time too.
Go on, you know you want to, why not treat yourself in the New Year and see what all the 'kitesurf' fuss is about... Tell him you're a
Forces-of-Nature member too and he'll do you a special deal.
Thanks Al!!!!!!!
As its not really the time of year for teaching kite surfing, (not to non water goers anyway)!! Ive only got a few bookings this time
of year, so if any forces of nature members want a go at some thing new, Im doing a Mega discount christmas break rate. Therell be a
discount for f.o.n. members all year round, but not as big as this one.
Get in touch for more info. Or get in touch through the web site, and check out the gallery.
Just thought I'd let you all know that shem has been adding some good photos to the Photo Gallery I built for him on his site...
Check out the secret spot photos in the surf gallery!!!....