Just a warning that I'm going to delete all the old u2u messages in a couple of weeks... Theres about 4000 of them in the database at
the moment and it could do with a clear out.
If theres anything important in one of your old u2u messages then make a copy of it NOW...
I'll delete them all sometime after Xmas Day, so you have a month to decide what you need to keep.
You have been warned!!!
P.S. In the meantime, if you feel like deleting the u2u messages within your own in and outboxes then feel free.
OK... so I forgot about this, but will get rid of them all on Valentines Day!!
You have been warned! (Again)
Just 4 days to go... make sure you written down any phone numbers etc. that people have sent you via u2u.
Its done.... sort of, I decided to be nice to you and have left any u2u messages that were sent in 2004 on the system.