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Borth & Ynyslas Weather Station back online
justal - 23-1-2008 at 08:22

After being offline for about a month due to a replacement temperature and humidity sensor frying the SIM board in the integrated sensor suite, things are now back up and running.

The unit has a brand new SIM board and a brand new temperature and humidity sensor. I spent yesterday morning up the telegraph pole fixing it and getting all of the software etc. up and running again.

When the SIM board failed it was spewing out some strange readings and some of these were still stored in the solid state memory within the data logger, so some manual removal of these rogue data points was needed, but I think I have found them all and everything was looking as it should yesterday afternoon. (If you notice 'out of the ordinary' data let me know.)

The observant among you will notice that everything stopped working late yesterday afternoon though! Don't worry, there was nothing wrong with the weather station, but there was 6 hour power cut at Ynyslas. Power cuts don't actually affect the weather station as the sensor suite is solar powered with a battery backup and the console and data-logger also have battery backups, but the PC that uploads the data to the website does need power.

The power is back on and everything is up and running once again!.


justal - 23-1-2008 at 16:05

Great.... The electricity has been off again for the last 45 minutes... I'm in the process of getting everyhting up and running.

It's not pleasant to be sat in front of 3 computer monitors and then suddenly have all the lights go out... I'm sure these machines don't like being powered down so violently and I should hit the save button more often!! Grrrrrr!
