The PC that drives the weather station is dying.. It looks as though the hard drive and possibly a few other bits are on their way out
and it crashes all the time and keeps coming up with Disk failures and 'unknown HARD ERROR' and often simply won't boot as it can't see
the Boot drive... So the weather station will be tempermental and possibly completely offiline for a while until I can get a new PC....
Any donations will be gladly accepted. (It doesn't have to be a particularly powerful PC)
Hopefully, once I have a new PC it won't take me more than a few days to get everything set back up and running again, but I shall have
to remember how to configure everything again and may have to rewrite few of the scripts that integrate the PC with the website, unless
I can retrieve any of the data from the fried Hard Drive.... Grrrrrr, I don't have time for this!!!
It looks as though the Hard Disk has died completely now....
When I try to start it up I just get a black screen with a message that says:
'Pri hard Disk: S.M.A.R.T. Status BAD, Backup and Replace'
It looks as though the weather station will be offline until I can get a new Hard Drive / Computer and somehow retrieve the data from
this one.
will try to get one from school and bring it up this weekend.
Cheers Neil... It looks as though I'll be able to get my hands on a hard drive (on a temporary basis) in the next couple of days, but
your offer may be better so I'll take whatever I can get
I shall see what happens when I put a new hard drive in the PC and try to retrieve the data from the broken one.... Hopefully I won't
have lost too much stuff and won't have to rewrite all of the scripts again.
I must admit though it is quite nice in my office at the moment without the constant noise of the weather station PC... My Mac is
silent and the peace is quite relaxing!
tis in the van