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Server change
justal - 13-2-2005 at 09:04

As predicted the recent server change has resulting in some lost data... I'm trying to retrieve it now, but I won't promise anything!

Hopefully the site is now running on a faster server (a Dual 2.8Ghz Xeon system), but the time lag between backing up the database and moving it to the new server and the time taken for the DNS entries to propogate means that all of yesterdays posts and diary entires have gone missing.

There was little I could do about this, but I shall see if I can recover it... If I can manage to access the database on the old server I should be able to.


P.S. I did post a message yesterday warning that this might happen, but it got mislaid in the transfer as well!

mNeil - 13-2-2005 at 09:35

oh no! all that writing i did yesterday

justal - 13-2-2005 at 09:41

Don't worry... I've found your diary entires in a backup I made yesterday at around 4.20pm, and reinstated them... Theres still some stuff missing (entries made between 4.20pm and about midnight yesterday)...

I'll see if I can find them... Trouble is, it blowing a hoolie out there so I don't have the patience for this at the mo!


mNeil - 13-2-2005 at 09:55

well done!
advice doctor;
got about a 3 inch gash across the instep of mi foot; am just using a dry dressing and trying to let the air get to it as much as poss.hence wont be around for a few days. any other suggestions?

justal - 13-2-2005 at 13:13

I think I've reinstated all the diary entries... There may be a few bits of info missing regarding which kit you used for diary entries as I had to make up some new entry id's so the relationship between the diary entries and toy usage database may be a little mixed up.

Other than that everything should be back to normal.. Let me know if you come across anything a little strange.


Jonny - 14-2-2005 at 23:20

Yeah, the whole sites acting a bit strange, just added a few diary entries and have had to enter them a few times over as its not recording them down. I may of lost some as well as I cant remember how many ive got for this month. Im in auckland at the moment and its quite windy outside so im hopefully of for a sail

Jonny - 15-2-2005 at 06:57

All seems fine now with the new server. Having no problems accessing data at all