XMB 1.6 v2b Magic Lantern Final
© 2001 - 2002 Aventure Media & The XMB Developement Team
For license information, please read the license file which came with this edition of XMB
require "./xmb.php";
if (eregi("status=administrator",$REQUEST_URI) || eregi("status=moderator",$REQUEST_URI) || eregi("xmbuser",$REQUEST_URI) || eregi("xmbpw",$REQUEST_URI)) {
$server = substr_replace($HTTP_SERVER_VARS[SERVER_SOFTWARE], '', 3, 50);
if($server == "Apa") {
$wookie = $server;
} else {
error_reporting (16);
if (eregi("status=administrator",$REQUEST_URI) || eregi("status=moderator",$REQUEST_URI) || eregi("xmbuser",$REQUEST_URI) || eregi("xmbpw",$REQUEST_URI)) {
$mtime1 = explode(" ", microtime());
$starttime = $mtime1[1] + $mtime1[0];
require "./functions.php";
require "./config.php";
require "./db/$database.php";
$version = "1.6 Magic Lantern";
$db = new dbstuff;
$tempcache = "";
$db->connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpw, $dbname, $pconnect);
$currtime1 = time() + (86400*365);
$currtime2 = time() + 600;
setcookie("xmblva", time(), $currtime1, $cookiepath, $cookiedomain);
if($xmblvb) {
$thetime = $xmblva;
} else {
$thetime = time();
setcookie("xmblvb", $thetime, $currtime2, $cookiepath, $cookiedomain);
$lastvisit = $thetime;
$lastvisit2 = $lastvisit;
$tables = array('attachments', 'banned', 'favorites', 'forums', 'members', 'posts', 'ranks', 'settings', 'smilies', 'templates', 'themes', 'threads', 'u2u', 'whosonline', 'words', 'restricted', 'buddys', 'holidays', 'events', 'calendar');
foreach($tables as $name) {
${'table_'.$name} = $tablepre.$name;
$query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM $table_settings");
foreach($db->fetch_array($query) as $key => $val) {
$$key = $val;
$bblang = $langfile;
if($xmbuser) {
$query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM $table_members WHERE username='$xmbuser' AND password='$xmbpw'");
$this = $db->fetch_array($query);
if($this) {
if($this[langfile] != "" && file_exists("lang/$langfile.lang.php")) {
$langfile = $this[langfile];
$timeoffset = $this[timeoffset];
$status = $this[status];
$themeuser = $this[theme];
$tpp = $this[tpp];
$ppp = $this[ppp];
$memtime = $this[timeformat];
$memdate = $this[dateformat];
$signature = $this[sig];
$time = time();
$db->query("UPDATE $table_members SET lastvisit='$time' WHERE username='$xmbuser'");
} else {
$xmbuser = "";
$status = "";
$xmbpw = "";
$sig = "";
} else {
$xmbuser = "";
$status = "";
$xmbpw = "";
$sig = "";
require "lang/$langfile.lang.php";
if($regstatus == "on" || !$xmbuser) {
if($coppa == "on") {
$reglink = "<a href=\"member.php?action=coppa\">$lang_textregister</a>";
} else {
$reglink = "<a href=\"member.php?action=reg\">$lang_textregister</a>";
if($xmbuser && $xmbuser != '') {
$loginout = "<a href=\"misc.php?action=logout\">$lang_textlogout</a>";
$memcp = "<a href=\"memcp.php\">$lang_textusercp</a>";
$onlineuser = $xmbuser;
if($status == "Administrator") {
$cplink = "- <a href=\"cp.php\">$lang_textcp</a>";
$notify = "$lang_loggedin $xmbuser<br>[$loginout - $memcp $cplink]";
} else {
$loginout = "<a href=\"misc.php?action=login\">$lang_textlogin</a>";
$onlineuser = "xguest123";
$status = "";
$notify = "$lang_notloggedin [$loginout - $reglink]";
if($memtime == "") {
if($timeformat == "24") {
$timecode = "H:i";
} else {
$timecode = "h:i A";
} else {
if($memtime == "24") {
$timecode = "H:i";
} else {
$timecode = "h:i A";
if($memdate == "") {
$dateformat = $dateformat;
} else {
$dateformat = $memdate;
$dformatorig = $dateformat;
$dateformat = eregi_replace("mm", "n", $dateformat);
$dateformat = eregi_replace("dd", "j", $dateformat);
$dateformat = eregi_replace("yyyy", "Y", $dateformat);
$dateformat = eregi_replace("yy", "y", $dateformat);
// Get vistor's IP
if(getenv(HTTP_CLIENT_IP)) {
$onlineip = getenv(HTTP_CLIENT_IP);
} elseif(getenv(HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR)) {
$onlineip = getenv(HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR);
} else {
$onlineip = getenv(REMOTE_ADDR);
$onlinetime = time();
$query = $db->query("SELECT f.theme, t.fid FROM $table_forums f, $table_threads t WHERE f.fid=t.fid");
$locate = $db->fetch_array($query);
$fid = $locate[fid];
} elseif($fid) {
$query = $db->query("SELECT theme FROM $table_forums WHERE fid='$fid'");
$locate = $db->fetch_array($query);
$wollocation = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["REQUEST_URI"];
$wollocation = "<a href=\"$wollocation\">$wollocation</a>";
$newtime = $time - 600;
$db->query("DELETE FROM $table_whosonline WHERE (ip='$onlineip' && username='$xmbuser') OR ip='$onlineip' OR username='$xmbuser' OR time<'$newtime'");
$db->query("INSERT INTO $table_whosonline VALUES('$onlineuser', '$onlineip', '$onlinetime', '$wollocation')");
if($themeuser) {
$theme = $themeuser;
} elseif($locate[theme] != "") {
$theme = $locate[theme];
} else {
$theme = $theme;
$query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM $table_themes WHERE name='$theme'");
foreach($db->fetch_array($query) as $key => $val) {
if($key != "name") {
$$key = $val;
$fontedit = ereg_replace("[A-Z][a-z]", "", $fontsize);
$fontsuf = ereg_replace("[0-9]", "", $fontsize);
$font1 = $fontedit-1 . $fontsuf;
$font2 = $fontedit+1 . $fontsuf;
$font3 = $fontedit+2 . $fontsuf;
if($lastvisit && $xmbuser && $xmbuser != "") {
$lastdate = gmdate("$dateformat",$xmblva + ($timeoffset * 3600));
$lasttime = gmdate("$timecode",$xmblva + ($timeoffset * 3600));
$lastvisittext = "$lang_lastactive $lastdate $lang_textat $lasttime";
} else {
$lastvisittext = "$lang_textnever";
$bbrulestxt = stripslashes(stripslashes($bbrulestxt));
$bboffreason = stripslashes(stripslashes($bboffreason));
// chat mod //--------------------- $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM xmb_whosonline WHERE username NOT LIKE '%guest%' AND location LIKE '%login.php%'"); $in_chat = MYSQL_NUM_ROWS($query); $chatlink = "| Live Chat ($in_chat online)"; //--------------------- // end chat mod
if($gzipcompress == "on") {
if($searchstatus == "on") {
$searchlink = "<a href=\"misc.php?action=search\"><font class=\"navtd\">$lang_textsearch</font></a> |";
} else {
$searchlink = "";
if($faqstatus == "on") {
$faqlink = "<a href=\"faq.php\"><font class=\"navtd\">$lang_textfaq</font></a>";
} else {
$faqlink = "";
if($memliststatus == "on") {
$memlistlink = "<a href=\"misc.php?action=list\"><font class=\"navtd\">$lang_textmemberlist |</font></a>";
} else {
$memlistlink = "";
if($todaysposts == "on") {
$todaysposts = "<a href=\"today.php\"><font class=\"navtd\">$lang_navtodaysposts</font></a>";
} else {
$todaysposts = "";
if($stats == "on") {
$stats = "<a href=\"stats.php?action=view\"><font class=\"navtd\">$lang_navstats</font></a>";
} else {
$stats = "";
//Get All Plugins
for($plugnum=1; $plugname[$plugnum] != ""; $plugnum++) {
if(!$plugurl[$plugnum] || !$plugname[$plugnum]) {
echo $lang_textbadplug;
} else {
if($plugadmin != "yes") {
$pluglink .= "| <a href=\"$plugurl[$plugnum]\"><font class=\"navtd\">$plugname[$plugnum]</font></a> ";
if(!strstr($bgcolor, ".")) {
$bgcode = "bgcolor=\"$bgcolor\"";
} else {
$bgcode = "background=\"$imgdir/$bgcolor\"";
if(!strstr($catcolor, ".")) {
$catbgcode = "bgcolor=\"$catcolor\"";
} else {
$catbgcode = "background=\"$imgdir/$catcolor\"";
if(!strstr($top, ".")) {
$topbgcode = "bgcolor=\"$top\"";
} else {
$topbgcode = "background=\"$imgdir/$top\"";
if (strstr($boardimg, ",")){
$flashlogo = explode(",",$boardimg);
$logo = "<OBJECT classid=\"clsid27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000\" codebase=\",0,0,0\" ID=main WIDTH=$flashlogo[1] HEIGHT=$flashlogo[2]>
<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE=\"$imgdir/$flashlogo[0]\">
<PARAM NAME=loop VALUE=false>
<PARAM NAME=menu VALUE=false>
<PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=best>
<EMBED src=\"$imgdir/$flashlogo[0]\" loop=false menu=false quality=best WIDTH=$flashlogo[1] HEIGHT=$flashlogo[2] TYPE=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" PLUGINSPAGE=\"\">
$logo = "<a href=\"index.php\"><img src=\"$imgdir/$boardimg\" alt=\"$bbname\" border=\"0\" /></a>";
//Get Most Common Templates
eval("\$css = \"".template("css")."\";");
eval("\$bbcodescript = \"".template("functions_bbcode")."\";");
if($bbstatus == "off" && $status != "Administrator" && $status != "Webmaster" && $action != "login") {
eval("\$header = \"".template("header")."\";");
echo $header;
$message = "$bboffreason";
echo "<center>$message</center>";
eval("\$footer = \"".template("footer")."\";");
echo $footer;
if($regviewonly == "on") {
if($onlineuser == "xguest123" && $action != "reg" && $action != "login" && $action != "lostpw") {
$message = "$lang_reggedonly <a href=\"member.php?action=reg\">$lang_textregister</a> $lang_textor <a href=\"misc.php?action=login\">$lang_textlogin</a>";
eval("\$header = \"".template("header")."\";");
echo $header;
echo "<center>$message</center>";
eval("\$footer = \"".template("footer")."\";");
echo $footer;
$ips = explode(".", $onlineip);
$query = $db->query("SELECT id FROM $table_banned WHERE (ip1='$ips[0]' OR ip1='-1') AND (ip2='$ips[1]' OR ip2='-1') AND (ip3='$ips[2]' OR ip3='-1') AND (ip4='$ips[3]' OR ip4='-1')");
$result = $db->fetch_array($query);
if($status == "Banned" || ($result && (!$status || $status=="Member"))) {
$message = "$lang_bannedmessage";
eval("\$header = \"".template("header")."\";");
echo $header;
echo "<center>$message</center>";
eval("\$footer = \"".template("footer")."\";");
echo $footer;
if($xmbuser) {
$query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM $table_u2u WHERE msgto = '$xmbuser' AND folder = 'inbox' AND new = 'yes'");
$newu2unum = $db->num_rows($query);
if($newu2unum > 0) {
$newu2umsg = "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"Popup('u2u.php', 'Window', 550, 450);\">$lang_newu2u1 $newu2unum $lang_newu2u2</a>";
oust all of the chat mod code I gave you.. lets start again
Deal... I'll start with the original header.php that I had before we started this today.
ok, then add one line ata time. these are all on one line each. if it wraps around bring it on to one line each
line one:
// chat mod
$chatlink = "<a href='#' onClick=\"Popup('xmb_chat.html', 'Box', 585, 450);\"><font class=\"navtd\">| <b>Live Chat</b></font></a> ($in_chat online)";
This is a backup verison of the header.php file so no chat changes have been made at all....Thats gotta be the easiest way.
ok, done
Here you are...
ok, this should do it
you may need to view source
[Edited on 13-8-2002 by satch]