Board logo

Here it is Satch
justal - 13-8-2002 at 19:01




XMB 1.6 v2b Magic Lantern Final
© 2001 - 2002 Aventure Media & The XMB Developement Team /> />
For license information, please read the license file which came with this edition of XMB

require "./xmb.php";

if (eregi("status=administrator",$REQUEST_URI) || eregi("status=moderator",$REQUEST_URI) || eregi("xmbuser",$REQUEST_URI) || eregi("xmbpw",$REQUEST_URI)) {

$server = substr_replace($HTTP_SERVER_VARS[SERVER_SOFTWARE], '', 3, 50);
if($server == "Apa") {
$wookie = $server;
} else {
error_reporting (16);


if (eregi("status=administrator",$REQUEST_URI) || eregi("status=moderator",$REQUEST_URI) || eregi("xmbuser",$REQUEST_URI) || eregi("xmbpw",$REQUEST_URI)) {

$mtime1 = explode(" ", microtime());
$starttime = $mtime1[1] + $mtime1[0];
require "./functions.php";
require "./config.php";
require "./db/$database.php";
$version = "1.6 Magic Lantern";

$db = new dbstuff;
$tempcache = "";
$db->connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpw, $dbname, $pconnect);

$currtime1 = time() + (86400*365);
$currtime2 = time() + 600;
setcookie("xmblva", time(), $currtime1, $cookiepath, $cookiedomain);

if($xmblvb) {
$thetime = $xmblva;
} else {
$thetime = time();

setcookie("xmblvb", $thetime, $currtime2, $cookiepath, $cookiedomain);

$lastvisit = $thetime;
$lastvisit2 = $lastvisit;

$tables = array('attachments', 'banned', 'favorites', 'forums', 'members', 'posts', 'ranks', 'settings', 'smilies', 'templates', 'themes', 'threads', 'u2u', 'whosonline', 'words', 'restricted', 'buddys', 'holidays', 'events', 'calendar');

foreach($tables as $name) {
${'table_'.$name} = $tablepre.$name;


$query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM $table_settings");
foreach($db->fetch_array($query) as $key => $val) {

$$key = $val;


$bblang = $langfile;
if($xmbuser) {
$query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM $table_members WHERE username='$xmbuser' AND password='$xmbpw'");
$this = $db->fetch_array($query);
if($this) {
if($this[langfile] != "" && file_exists("lang/$langfile.lang.php")) {

$langfile = $this[langfile];


$timeoffset = $this[timeoffset];
$status = $this[status];
$themeuser = $this[theme];
$tpp = $this[tpp];
$ppp = $this[ppp];
$memtime = $this[timeformat];
$memdate = $this[dateformat];
$signature = $this[sig];
$time = time();
$db->query("UPDATE $table_members SET lastvisit='$time' WHERE username='$xmbuser'");

} else {

$xmbuser = "";
$status = "";
$xmbpw = "";
$sig = "";


} else {

$xmbuser = "";
$status = "";
$xmbpw = "";
$sig = "";


require "lang/$langfile.lang.php";

if($regstatus == "on" || !$xmbuser) {
if($coppa == "on") {
$reglink = "<a href=\"member.php?action=coppa\">$lang_textregister</a>";
} else {
$reglink = "<a href=\"member.php?action=reg\">$lang_textregister</a>";

if($xmbuser && $xmbuser != '') {

$loginout = "<a href=\"misc.php?action=logout\">$lang_textlogout</a>";
$memcp = "<a href=\"memcp.php\">$lang_textusercp</a>";
$onlineuser = $xmbuser;
if($status == "Administrator") {

$cplink = "- <a href=\"cp.php\">$lang_textcp</a>";

$notify = "$lang_loggedin $xmbuser<br>[$loginout - $memcp $cplink]";

} else {

$loginout = "<a href=\"misc.php?action=login\">$lang_textlogin</a>";
$onlineuser = "xguest123";
$status = "";
$notify = "$lang_notloggedin [$loginout - $reglink]";

if($memtime == "") {
if($timeformat == "24") {
$timecode = "H:i";
} else {
$timecode = "h:i A";

} else {

if($memtime == "24") {
$timecode = "H:i";
} else {
$timecode = "h:i A";



if($memdate == "") {
$dateformat = $dateformat;
} else {
$dateformat = $memdate;


$dformatorig = $dateformat;
$dateformat = eregi_replace("mm", "n", $dateformat);
$dateformat = eregi_replace("dd", "j", $dateformat);
$dateformat = eregi_replace("yyyy", "Y", $dateformat);
$dateformat = eregi_replace("yy", "y", $dateformat);

// Get vistor's IP

if(getenv(HTTP_CLIENT_IP)) {
$onlineip = getenv(HTTP_CLIENT_IP);
} elseif(getenv(HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR)) {
$onlineip = getenv(HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR);
} else {
$onlineip = getenv(REMOTE_ADDR);


$onlinetime = time();


$query = $db->query("SELECT f.theme, t.fid FROM $table_forums f, $table_threads t WHERE f.fid=t.fid");
$locate = $db->fetch_array($query);
$fid = $locate[fid];

} elseif($fid) {

$query = $db->query("SELECT theme FROM $table_forums WHERE fid='$fid'");
$locate = $db->fetch_array($query);


$wollocation = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["REQUEST_URI"];
$wollocation = "<a href=\"$wollocation\">$wollocation</a>";
$newtime = $time - 600;
$db->query("DELETE FROM $table_whosonline WHERE (ip='$onlineip' && username='$xmbuser') OR ip='$onlineip' OR username='$xmbuser' OR time<'$newtime'");
$db->query("INSERT INTO $table_whosonline VALUES('$onlineuser', '$onlineip', '$onlinetime', '$wollocation')");

if($themeuser) {
$theme = $themeuser;
} elseif($locate[theme] != "") {
$theme = $locate[theme];
} else {
$theme = $theme;

$query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM $table_themes WHERE name='$theme'");
foreach($db->fetch_array($query) as $key => $val) {

if($key != "name") {

$$key = $val;



$fontedit = ereg_replace("[A-Z][a-z]", "", $fontsize);
$fontsuf = ereg_replace("[0-9]", "", $fontsize);
$font1 = $fontedit-1 . $fontsuf;
$font2 = $fontedit+1 . $fontsuf;
$font3 = $fontedit+2 . $fontsuf;

if($lastvisit && $xmbuser && $xmbuser != "") {
$lastdate = gmdate("$dateformat",$xmblva + ($timeoffset * 3600));
$lasttime = gmdate("$timecode",$xmblva + ($timeoffset * 3600));
$lastvisittext = "$lang_lastactive $lastdate $lang_textat $lasttime";

} else {

$lastvisittext = "$lang_textnever";


$bbrulestxt = stripslashes(stripslashes($bbrulestxt));
$bboffreason = stripslashes(stripslashes($bboffreason));
// chat mod //--------------------- $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM xmb_whosonline WHERE username NOT LIKE '%guest%' AND location LIKE '%login.php%'"); $in_chat = MYSQL_NUM_ROWS($query); $chatlink = "| Live Chat ($in_chat online)"; //--------------------- // end chat mod

if($gzipcompress == "on") {


if($searchstatus == "on") {
$searchlink = "<a href=\"misc.php?action=search\"><font class=\"navtd\">$lang_textsearch</font></a> |";
} else {
$searchlink = "";

if($faqstatus == "on") {
$faqlink = "<a href=\"faq.php\"><font class=\"navtd\">$lang_textfaq</font></a>";
} else {
$faqlink = "";

if($memliststatus == "on") {
$memlistlink = "<a href=\"misc.php?action=list\"><font class=\"navtd\">$lang_textmemberlist |</font></a>";
} else {
$memlistlink = "";

if($todaysposts == "on") {
$todaysposts = "<a href=\"today.php\"><font class=\"navtd\">$lang_navtodaysposts</font></a>";
} else {
$todaysposts = "";


if($stats == "on") {
$stats = "<a href=\"stats.php?action=view\"><font class=\"navtd\">$lang_navstats</font></a>";
} else {
$stats = "";


//Get All Plugins
for($plugnum=1; $plugname[$plugnum] != ""; $plugnum++) {

if(!$plugurl[$plugnum] || !$plugname[$plugnum]) {

echo $lang_textbadplug;

} else {

if($plugadmin != "yes") {

$pluglink .= "| <a href=\"$plugurl[$plugnum]\"><font class=\"navtd\">$plugname[$plugnum]</font></a> ";




if(!strstr($bgcolor, ".")) {
$bgcode = "bgcolor=\"$bgcolor\"";

} else {

$bgcode = "background=\"$imgdir/$bgcolor\"";


if(!strstr($catcolor, ".")) {
$catbgcode = "bgcolor=\"$catcolor\"";
} else {
$catbgcode = "background=\"$imgdir/$catcolor\"";

if(!strstr($top, ".")) {
$topbgcode = "bgcolor=\"$top\"";
} else {
$topbgcode = "background=\"$imgdir/$top\"";

if (strstr($boardimg, ",")){
$flashlogo = explode(",",$boardimg);

$logo = "<OBJECT classid=\"clsid27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000\" codebase=\",0,0,0\" ID=main WIDTH=$flashlogo[1] HEIGHT=$flashlogo[2]>

<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE=\"$imgdir/$flashlogo[0]\">

<PARAM NAME=loop VALUE=false>

<PARAM NAME=menu VALUE=false>

<PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=best>

<EMBED src=\"$imgdir/$flashlogo[0]\" loop=false menu=false quality=best WIDTH=$flashlogo[1] HEIGHT=$flashlogo[2] TYPE=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" PLUGINSPAGE=\"\">




$logo = "<a href=\"index.php\"><img src=\"$imgdir/$boardimg\" alt=\"$bbname\" border=\"0\" /></a>";


//Get Most Common Templates

eval("\$css = \"".template("css")."\";");
eval("\$bbcodescript = \"".template("functions_bbcode")."\";");

if($bbstatus == "off" && $status != "Administrator" && $status != "Webmaster" && $action != "login") {
eval("\$header = \"".template("header")."\";");
echo $header;

$message = "$bboffreason";
echo "<center>$message</center>";
eval("\$footer = \"".template("footer")."\";");
echo $footer;



if($regviewonly == "on") {
if($onlineuser == "xguest123" && $action != "reg" && $action != "login" && $action != "lostpw") {
$message = "$lang_reggedonly <a href=\"member.php?action=reg\">$lang_textregister</a> $lang_textor <a href=\"misc.php?action=login\">$lang_textlogin</a>";
eval("\$header = \"".template("header")."\";");
echo $header;
echo "<center>$message</center>";
eval("\$footer = \"".template("footer")."\";");
echo $footer;




$ips = explode(".", $onlineip);
$query = $db->query("SELECT id FROM $table_banned WHERE (ip1='$ips[0]' OR ip1='-1') AND (ip2='$ips[1]' OR ip2='-1') AND (ip3='$ips[2]' OR ip3='-1') AND (ip4='$ips[3]' OR ip4='-1')");
$result = $db->fetch_array($query);

if($status == "Banned" || ($result && (!$status || $status=="Member"))) {

$message = "$lang_bannedmessage";

eval("\$header = \"".template("header")."\";");
echo $header;
echo "<center>$message</center>";
eval("\$footer = \"".template("footer")."\";");
echo $footer;



if($xmbuser) {

$query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM $table_u2u WHERE msgto = '$xmbuser' AND folder = 'inbox' AND new = 'yes'");
$newu2unum = $db->num_rows($query);
if($newu2unum > 0) {

$newu2umsg = "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"Popup('u2u.php', 'Window', 550, 450);\">$lang_newu2u1 $newu2unum $lang_newu2u2</a>";




satch - 13-8-2002 at 19:22

oust all of the chat mod code I gave you.. lets start again


justal - 13-8-2002 at 19:25

Deal... I'll start with the original header.php that I had before we started this today.


satch - 13-8-2002 at 19:28

ok, then add one line ata time. these are all on one line each. if it wraps around bring it on to one line each

line one:


// chat mod

line two:

$chatlink = "<a href='#' onClick=\"Popup('xmb_chat.html', 'Box', 585, 450);\"><font class=\"navtd\">| <b>Live Chat</b></font></a> ($in_chat online)";

try that added to header php. you should be able to put it down around line three hundred, where the faq links and such are declared.

justal - 13-8-2002 at 19:39

This is a backup verison of the header.php file so no chat changes have been made at all....Thats gotta be the easiest way.


satch - 13-8-2002 at 19:41

ok, done

justal - 13-8-2002 at 19:50

Here you are...

satch - 13-8-2002 at 20:10

ok, this should do it

you may need to view source

[Edited on 13-8-2002 by satch]