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Extreme School Run
justal - 3-12-2003 at 07:19

Nick... I do hope you're not trying to artificially enhance your Stoke Factor!!!

See Here< br />

Nick - 3-12-2003 at 15:36

I'm just trying to up my session count to around a tenth of yours Al!

225 sessions this year and still counting.... I mean really!



justanna - 3-12-2003 at 15:48

I hope you're not creating posts worthy of an award on purpose Nick?

If Al lived in the real world (rather than one where whenever it's windy he can stop work) he's appreciate that anything counts!

I also notice that you have been enticed back to the work (un)association game

Nick - 3-12-2003 at 18:08

Anna - you've got my number!



ps re word association...if you can't beat (or ignore them) then join em!

AndyW - 18-12-2003 at 12:13

hmmm I'm considering entering my lunchtime running, football and tennis sessions...

Especially as Nick's school run has tied us on 21 entries for the year and I'm running out of days to go windsurfing before the year end.

I think I might have got the highest stoke factor for December!