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Happy Birthday
justanna - 2-10-2003 at 08:37

Happy Birthday Seanbo

Sorry you can't make it to Borth for the weekend but I suppose with all your new 'responsibilities' it's not so easy. Hope the little one (Alexander??) and Jane are well.

Enjoy your day

SeanBo - 2-10-2003 at 11:49

Thanks for the best wishes Anna.

We are still in the early stages of parent-hood, but so far the behaviour is very good. It is very tempting to come to Borth at the Weekend, but it is a 5hour+ trip each way. If he behaves, that will be fine, but it could be 10 hours plus of driving torture

Also camping (our preferred accomodation route) with a 4 week old baby is probably not in any of the 'how to be a good parent' books

Still my 4 week old son did manage to raise enough cash and scam a lift to the local w/surf shop where he bought hme a nice, all black, bouyancy aid for my birthday. Ideal for keeping the winter suit tight everywhere, hense keeping me a bit warmer on those head first dunkings