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Another day in Paradise - Video of Al and Blaschito
justal - 16-5-2011 at 17:33

Another good day on the water today. I didn't bother over the weekend as it looked a little busy out there and wasn't quite windy enough half the time.

Today the sun was out and the wind was good.

Here's a video of me and Blaschito


snoozer11 - 16-5-2011 at 20:35

Hi Al - I did go out today but not till (about 4pm) after you finished. It was definitely Michele (Blashito) in the video - though he also has a Cabrinha kite. He rang me to say it was good after coming off the water - but it stayed good all evening for me too


justal - 16-5-2011 at 21:03

Yep, I know that, I spoke to him a few times, I'm just going mad in my old age and my fingers type different things to what my brain is thinking.


snoozer11 - 16-5-2011 at 21:21

Yeah I know what you mean. My brain says "mark those student dissertations" and my fingers just load kit into the car and auto pilot to the beach...
