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Borth - swinging centre of West Wales
Spooker - 20-1-2010 at 21:35

Idley fumbling through the www and found this little nugget on


New dogging location in Borth. Travel from Borth towards Ynyslas and when you get the triangular roundabout turn immediatly left across the Golf course on to a beach carpark. Dogging fun to be had at the bottom end towards the dunes!."


col123 - 21-1-2010 at 12:46

moved on from gay porn then andy....

justal - 21-1-2010 at 13:31

That has been well known for years...Although I'm not sure if it is still the case... You guys who spend the nights there in your vans should be able to speak from experience.


col123 - 21-1-2010 at 15:07

well known for years that andy searches for Gay porn...

News to me.

well each to there own ehh.. Dandine

bucski - 21-1-2010 at 18:40

Idly fumbling! Jeez i've heard some excuses in the past but that takes the biscuit!

col123 - 21-1-2010 at 19:09

even 'swinging heaven' sounds like you were looking for playground equipment.

Not a member of the Gary Glitter fan club are you..

ohh i can see some mileage out of this

Spooker - 21-1-2010 at 21:15

There I was just trying to provide a little variety in the content of this site...

just to make a change from the usual:

Tim - what I did on my latest holiday - in between short bouts of not being on holiday...

Col - went off to a different location today and sweated a lot, then fell off something...

And do I get any recognition for my balanced, yet daring, broad minded and eclectic taste in subject matter?


Suppose I shouldn't worry too much, after all teachers and firemen are the 2 professions with the highest rate of early retirement caused by psychological ill health - not long to go then eh lads!!!

bucski - 21-1-2010 at 21:25

Psychological ill health eh? Sorry got to nip off and attend to my twitch.

shem - 21-1-2010 at 21:45

It ssurprising how many cars we see parked up at night when up bike riding in the middle of know where. I always pop and have a check to make sure all is ok, its just coincident that my trousers had fallen down at the time
The funniest where the couple int he car at 6am in the morning and broad day light when me n big dave passed then (.) (.)