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The Beast of Borth
bucski - 26-3-2009 at 20:34 />
check it out, and I always thought it was Col, just proves how wrong you can be!

justal - 27-3-2009 at 08:25



shem - 27-3-2009 at 08:48

Really funny,I always knew the animalarium has a sinister side!

col123 - 27-3-2009 at 19:13

ah we now know were larry's got too

bucski - 27-3-2009 at 20:28

That's a bit tame Col after I slandered your good name - was looking forward to good old fashioned insult back!

shem - 28-3-2009 at 00:25

Maybe th ebeast has been tamed bucski???? p.s. maybe thats why larry cut his hair off? the plot thickens!