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FON Borth Bash - Easter 09
justal - 18-3-2009 at 13:17

We haven't had a FON get together for a while and the early summer sunshine has prompted me to want to spend some lazy days outside followed by a drink or two in the pub.

So, its time to organise a get together for Easter Weekend. (April 10th - April 13th).

For those who haven't joined us before, basically its a very informal affair where we all meet up for a weekend and indulge in our favourite Forces-of-Nature sports and then meet up in the pub from time to time as well. And if the weather is OK we'll have some beers around a fire on the beach too.

For those who don't know the area, Borth is a 4 mile long sandy beach that faces west. The surf can be OK and sometimes really good, but the conditions for windsurfing, kitesurfing and land-based beach sports are perfect. The hard packed wide sandy beach is just excellent for kite-buggying, land-yatching etc. Windsurfing and kitesurfing is possible in any wind direction, with SSW through to NNW being best on the seafront. These winds provide perfect bump and jump conditions or onshore wave-sailing conditions. If a big SW is blowing then it does get big and gnarly, but under such conditions we tend to sail from the Lifeboat Station at the south of the beach where the cliffs provide a little protection and the waves are smaller and cleaner.

NE and Easterly winds are sailable on the seafront, but we tend to head to the estuary at Ynyslas in these wind directions as the valley there funnels the wind increasing it by at least 10 knots, and often more like 20 knots. It can often produce good 5m sailing conditions when everywhere is still. The water state in here is anything from mirror smooth to mad confused chop.

We also have tonnes of really good mountain biking trails trails in the area so if there's not much happening on the beach we can head to the hills.

There may even be a couple of stand up paddle boards around as well.

The town itself is fairly small and rarely busy. There are three pubs, a couple of general stores and lots of campsites to choose from. The Youth Hostel is pretty good for accommodation too.

As usual it will probably turn into a long weekend and start on the Friday when we'll meet either on the beach during the day or in the Friendship pub (Borth) in the evening, and that will be the plan for Sat, Sun and Mon too.

We obviously can't control the weather, but whatever happens on that front hopefully we'll all find something to do to amuse ourselves...even if we have to do a gorge walk!!!

Tides that weekend are pretty big with high tide at 9am on Friday and 11 am on Monday

If you're going to join us then post a reply here and we'll look out for you.

Oh, and start praying for perfect conditions.


shem - 18-3-2009 at 17:09

Ill be there with a fleet of toys

col123 - 18-3-2009 at 21:13

hey this borth place sounds quite good i might come you get many townies coming along

badexcuseforasailor - 18-3-2009 at 22:31

I'll be along for the long weekend

shem - 18-3-2009 at 22:48

townies col, townies, townies, nuffin there but townies, (weekends any way). LOL

jack russell - 18-3-2009 at 23:36

erm bit of a trek for me guys but I guess I'll burn some shoe leather, My girlie is over from Canada that weekend and I still haven't used a Borth pub yet so around 20 onshore and no dog poo in my tyre treads or cocked legs on my kites please.

justal - 19-3-2009 at 10:00

Looks as though we could have a few people interested... I've posted it on Facebook as an event as well and a number of people have already signed up to be there.

Will be good to see a few new faces as well.


mNeil - 20-3-2009 at 18:40

sorry wont be around Al going where the sun and wind are slightly more reliable..................see you when i get back, oh i will be the one with the tan!.......or should that read malanoma? can't spell it anyway.

Ibrokeit - 27-3-2009 at 18:47


I went to uni in Aber 93 - 96, but wasn't a windsurfer then. I woyuld love to come along and sauil at borth or in the Dovey. Unfortunalty I cant make it at easter but if you have anything else going off throughout the year I can try and make it across and revisit my Uni days (with an added twist).

justal - 28-3-2009 at 11:44

Hi Ibrokeit and welcome to Forces-of-Nature... I first came to this part of Wales to go to uni in Aber too... 3 years and one degree later decided I couldn't leave so stayed on to do a PhD (and of course cwindsurf as much as possible). 5 years later and I still didn't want to leave so built a house here on the beach... And I'm still here!!

So, just let us know when you can make it and I'll be up for sail, there are usually a few other people about too.


shem - 29-3-2009 at 00:05

I was in aber, (actually at coleg ceredigion), but memeber of aber uni surf club around 96-97. Good old days when trhe surf pumped and there was wind every day!!!!!!

justal - 1-4-2009 at 08:44

It's very early days yet, but the long range forecast is looking good....

Mainly Sunny with WSW winds at around 20-25 knots.... Too good to be true??


justal - 3-4-2009 at 06:38

Just bumping this to the top....

One week to go, keep your fingers crossed for the weather.

Facebook Event listing here

Who else is gonna be around?


AndyW - 3-4-2009 at 09:13

I'm sure I'll make it for a sail or MTB one of the days.


badexcuseforasailor - 7-4-2009 at 14:55

I will be mountain biking. The forcast I have seen isn't looking good for the wind so Im going to sacrifice my chance of windsurfing by leaving the kit at home. so everyone else may get some wind.
Plus the fact that is a HUGE hassle getting everything in and on the car then

I will be arriving Friday afternoon/evening as Im riding the Wayfarer in the morning

[Edited on 7-4-2009 by badexcuseforasailor]

Steve - 7-4-2009 at 17:39

I'll be there for a couple of day's.

justal - 8-4-2009 at 07:14

Nice one BEFS.... Lets hope your sacrifice works!

Pop around when you get here on Friday.

There aren't any proper plans yet as it all depends on the weather but if there isn't enough wind then I reckon a nice MTB ride should be on the cards on Saturday, and if its dry a fire on the beach in the evening.

I shall hopefully be out either on the beach or in the hills on Friday too.

Will anyone else be around on Friday and up for a ride?


Welshbird - 8-4-2009 at 09:28

Mornin All! Having not flown for 2 years due to skiing accident thought I'd come back to my favourite kiting area over easter and find my flying legs again!!!! Plan was to stay on campsite near Tywyn with some other peeps from Oxfordshire, but they're all wussing out - lightweights ;-) So me, girlfriend and mate are coming up anyway. Hope to board or if no wind just rampage up & down the beach on my pawtrekker (giant scooter pulled by 2 mad mutts). Gonna be camping, not sure where yet....... can we come & play with you guys????? Don't wanna be billy no mates!

Welshbird - 8-4-2009 at 09:32

btw am a landlubber! Have tried kitesurfing once for a morning @ Aberdyfi, was human torpedo for 3hrs then went back to land kiting in a sulk ;-) methinks I need to save up for some proper tuition!

justal - 8-4-2009 at 09:48

Yep, join in... It's nothing formal, there is nothing properly organised, we're just hoping to get a few people together and have some fun on the beach.

We tend to congregate at the northern end of the beach, in the golf course car park. Go into the car park, and head north and you'll probably see plenty of campers and kites in the air.


Welshbird - 8-4-2009 at 09:53

Fab, we're aiming to arrive early afternoon - Helga doesn't like speeds above 50mph - see you there then!

justal - 10-4-2009 at 06:38

Not a great start so far weather wise. No wind and lots of rain, but it looks dry for Saturday and Sunday.

Will try to do a bike ride in the hills a little later today.


justal - 10-4-2009 at 14:50

Sun came out, and surf was OK, Not great, but good enough for stand-up-paddle boarding.

Plan for tomorrow is MTBing, meet at my house / on the beach at around 10.30am and then we'll drive up to Pendam and do the MBR Killer Loop.


REECEY - 10-4-2009 at 18:25

Justal, what beach are you meeting on at 10.30 for your cycle.

jack russell - 10-4-2009 at 20:19

haha the buggiers got enough this afternoon for a couple of hours with the biggest sails in the quiver. I counted 6 buggies and one landboard cutting wheeltracks at 16:00. No jumping but good enough to trick. Shame that looks like about it for the weekend. We'll have to see what this "pawtrekker" has to offer!!

justal - 11-4-2009 at 05:41

Originally posted by REECEY
Justal, what beach are you meeting on at 10.30 for your cycle.

Golf course car park... usual place.. or outside my house.

See you there. Looks like a perfect day for it, no wind, sunny and warm but not too hot. Lets hope the trails have dried out a bit as well.


willey - 11-4-2009 at 12:46

Hi every body, should have posted earlier, I know. Leaving now, should be there in an hour or so. White Toyota Hi-ace. Willey.

justal - 12-4-2009 at 05:52

Had a nice day in the hills yesterday. Steve, BEFS and I did the MBR Killer Loop and then Pendam Trail. The kitesurfers had a couple of newbies with them so Spooker, Rich and Tony did the Summit trail.

No wind forecast for today again so its on the bikes again, this time at ClimachX.


badexcuseforasailor - 13-4-2009 at 18:00

Great weekend I was feeling it a bit towards the end Im not used to all them huge hills.
Nice to mix the trail centre stuff with the natural stuff

justal - 14-4-2009 at 08:20

Shame there was no wind, but we couldn't have had better weather for biking.


Welshbird - 14-4-2009 at 11:32

Hiya, sorry we didn't manage to catch up with any of you in the end, we went to the Friendship on friday night around 9pm but of course I didn't know who to look for and it was rammed, D'OH!. Then sat & sun turned into a mission hunting for some camping bits n bobs in Tywyn so we ended up on cemetry beach...... still, we'll be back very soon I hope so look forward to the 'pawtrekker challenge' Jack!?!