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col123 - 29-10-2008 at 13:01

with the N/E forecast for tommorrow is the estuary going to work and is anyone else there..i might make the trip

bucski - 29-10-2008 at 20:02

Went out today at Rhossie and it was totally freezin - my body is def not acclimatised to the frosty stuff yet and there was heaps of snow on the mountains. Noone else daft enough to go out.
Col, If it stays as cold I'd wear three drysuits and a couple of winter wetties just to make sure if I were you.

Spooker - 30-10-2008 at 08:35

Big girl Tim - invigorating - that what it is!

Estuary looking promising this weekend....

shem - 30-10-2008 at 08:45

Tim, I was up rhossy yesterday and can agree, it was baltic, all time baltic in fact. i didnt take gloves and after 30 mins I couldnt even hold my bar! Shame as it was great conditions, let me know if your up tha way again, C ya.

The mits come out tommorow!!!!!!!

bucski - 30-10-2008 at 18:02

Invigorating it certainly was! Wish I was a big girl at least I'd have had somethings to keep my chest warm!

Shame must have just missed you Shem, I left around 1230 -1 I guess, was good but shame there were no waves - will text you next time i'm up that way

shem - 31-10-2008 at 00:05

I got there by 2pm, by which time there was perfect shoulder high clean surf, c u next time.