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land boarder suffers hypothermia at borth
mNeil - 25-11-2007 at 17:48

on saturday evening the massif were disturbed to see an ambulance arrive in the golf course car park; who is injured ? it turned out to be a land boarder (13mtr yarga) .
He had been out on the beach most of the day in the cold and wet and had, as a consequence of not wearing waterproof clothing in the rain and cold suffered hypothermia at the end of the day.
thanks goodness he recovered and we all wish him well.

shem - 25-11-2007 at 18:09

poor thing, where was he from. Its so easy to get carried away when your having fun!

justal - 26-11-2007 at 07:36

I heard about the ambulance and wondered what had happened...

Who called the ambulance for him?


mNeil - 26-11-2007 at 12:46

the land boarders were in the yello VW camper across from and up the way from us. i think the chap came off the beach whist we were all still on the water. as he told me sunday morning he felt weird, tried to ear some food, threw it up and then passed out. luckily he came too and was able to reach his mobile in the van and dial 999. the rest was as we saw. he was kept in for 5 hours whilst they brought his core temparesture back up. he was still a bit jittery on sunday morning, but had survived to tell the tale and learn from the event.

justal - 26-11-2007 at 16:39

Glad to hear he is OK and has learnt his lesson.... Doesn't sound like much fun!


dunk - 27-11-2007 at 10:14

Cool to hear he was ok

But, no waterproofs, shorts and laying on a wet beach in November?

badexcuseforasailor - 27-11-2007 at 10:59

He may of got sun burn