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strange emails about classifieds
chase - 26-8-2006 at 18:14

I, just curious. but is anyone else getting odd foreign sounding emails asking questions about classified kit for sale on here...not asking for bank details or anything,,but they just don't feel right,,or maybe I'm being paranoid.

Fat Shady - 26-8-2006 at 18:29

Yes, I have had a few.

They show an interest in what you have to sell. The English is very poor & I suppose the next step is to ask for your bank details.

My advice is hit the delete button.

Jonny - 26-8-2006 at 19:03

Heres a classic email for what your describing. Received it today and probably get an email like this about once every 2 weeks. The mountain bike in question sold back in Jan 05!

Good Morning,I`m Kim Walter.I live in New Zealand,i`m much interesting to purchase your item.Kindly email me back with the discription of the item and if it`s working in a good condition to my satisfaction,let me know your last offer price.
My Client working in UK Bank Owes me some money and want issue out a UK Certified CheQue to me here.
Do you aacept Cheque as payment?
Thanks and hope to read from you soon.Kim Walter"

What an arsehole thinking his little scam will work!

justal - 26-8-2006 at 21:38

As Fat Shady says.... That's what the delete button is for... Either that, or don't put your e-mail address in the classifieds ad, but get people to contact you via u2u.


phreaq - 11-9-2006 at 15:59

Yeah same here.

maybe in php replace the @ sign and the dot sign with a picture to prevent robots from picking them up.

if you need some help. let me know

grtz Phreaq

carlessd - 11-9-2006 at 16:22

got them too dude. just erase them!!!