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redbull storm chase
diggler - 1-8-2006 at 10:25

The 2nr round has started, only 5 sailors per country left. Check out and vote.
For Belgium please vote for 'Dirk Diggler' Thanks to all

justal - 31-10-2006 at 21:00

Looks as though today was the day for the Red Bull Storm Chase.....

It wasn't THAT mad out there, so I don't think there will be anything too spectacular.. Nothing like the shots in the video clip anyway.


Jonny - 31-10-2006 at 23:18

They had force 10 in some countries last Thursday & Friday but cancelled it at the last minute.
Think it will be a very rare event to have Force 10 in Great Britain & Ireland, the Baltic countries & Scandanavia over 2 days.
John Hibbard gets my vote just for his free gybe clinic coaching a few weeks ago.

[Edited on 31-10-2006 by Jonny]