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Sunday lookin' good
leonardo - 21-3-2006 at 07:39

Strong SW & warmth forecast for Sunday dudes! About bloody time! Might even be a decent wave too..

shem - 21-3-2006 at 07:45

Keep fingers crossed then hey!!

mNeil - 21-3-2006 at 13:27

hopefully my lurgi will have gone by then!!!!!!!

andy B - 21-3-2006 at 17:38

warm, what do you mean warm this is the uk leonardo,
do we do warm?
hope the lurgi subsides for ya neil.
wasnt coming this w/e but cant stay away see ya there

leonardo - 21-3-2006 at 19:11

anything is warmer than 3 Cels.

Kitefish - 21-3-2006 at 20:14

Yahoo looks like another massif gathering, ecept we might actually get some kites out and drysuits on.

Hopefully be down Friday evening, get better soon Neil

shem - 21-3-2006 at 20:45

With SW winds forcast Ill be over here, making the most of Dyfi sides sweet spots!!

justal - 22-3-2006 at 08:23

Saturday looks OK at the moment... About time we had some SW's. Looks as though there should be some swell as well.

Still suffering here though so who knows if I'll get out.


badexcuseforasailor - 22-3-2006 at 08:52

Enjoy the wind at the weekend people. Im off to France today, no windsurfing though too far from the sea

mNeil - 22-3-2006 at 10:19

looks like i will be up for the weekend and Ren is coming too, for a change; will bring some wood for a barbie on saturday evening.

jon d hat - 22-3-2006 at 11:24

Have a good one dudes. Won't be up this w/end as woooosh an I are off to France snowboarding

Catch you all for the next gathering ov d massif...hopefully sooner rather than l8r

darren byrne - 22-3-2006 at 13:34

Anyone going to be out Friday???

darren byrne - 22-3-2006 at 16:12

Oh well looks like no ones out friday, I'll be up Saturday instead

col123 - 22-3-2006 at 16:54

hopefully sunday for me

Fat Shady - 22-3-2006 at 17:13

I will be there on saturday, might even stop over for Sunday if it looks worth it

Spooker - 22-3-2006 at 21:24

I will be up saturday, though sunday looks the better day. Might bring some petrol for Neil's fire on saturday night, if the forcast of heavy rain is true we'll need it!
But hey guys, clocks are going forward, temperature is in double figures and summers a comin'!!!

mNeil - 22-3-2006 at 22:58

oh dont say summer is a coming andy ,i've just fallen in love with my dry suit!!!!!!!

Spooker - 23-3-2006 at 08:57

Always had my doubts about you ex-rock stars Neil, I suppose a lifetime of perverted debauchery is hard to leave behind sometimes....?

Oh - and Col should be in touch - he is dropping off some toys for the weekend

mNeil - 23-3-2006 at 09:55

i smell lots of money changing hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kitefish - 23-3-2006 at 21:08

Yahoo Wind and slightly warmer albiet damp conditions, Friday, Saturday and Sunday look good. Going to try and get on the beach Friday mid afternoon (bet I don't).

Heres looking to a good weekend flitting from one luxury motorhome to another blagging cups of tea in the warmth

See ya on da beach

dunk - 23-3-2006 at 21:33

Dry suits suck dudes! bring on da warmer weather!


Spooker - 23-3-2006 at 21:56

Hear, hear the Dunkster - well said!

REAL men get wet.

Think I'll start my own line in bumper stickers...

leonardo - 23-3-2006 at 23:08

well said dunk! drysuits r for the oldies

carlessd - 24-3-2006 at 10:26

real men get wet??. lol

when is the last time any of you guys actually got in the water??

mNeil - 24-3-2006 at 10:39

sorry but i still insist on NOT peeing in my suit!!!!!! thus keeping DRY
Leo i shall remind you of your comments next time you need to get warm and dry your wet suit in the "oldies" van

[Edited on 24/3/06 by mNeil]

leonardo - 24-3-2006 at 13:02

Hey Daz - Does it count i was riding all day everyday for 5 weeks solid in january SA??!!!

Catch u dudes at the coast early tomorrow morning

justal - 26-3-2006 at 17:47

The wind has finally picked up here... Not enough for me all day with it averaging around 12 knots and gusting to 16, but all of a sudden come 6 o/clock and things started to lien up... Now averaging around 25knots with 32 knot gusts.

Probably best that there wasn't enough really as I'm still feeling pretty ill so another rest day will have done me good.


justal - 26-3-2006 at 18:01

Make that 38 knot gusts!
