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The question is, What does a 320 pound woman look like?
steveo - 23-2-2006 at 09:27

Now, before you look at her pictures, get a mental image of what you think a woman who weighs 320 looks like....

steveo - 23-2-2006 at 09:28

Got it?


Not what you were expecting, was it??!!

The tallest and biggest woman in the world lives in

She is 7'4" and weighs 320

steveo - 23-2-2006 at 09:28

And there's more

col123 - 23-2-2006 at 09:48

how do you know the people she's with aren't the smallest in the world

shem - 23-2-2006 at 13:43

Id buy that for a dollar!!

andy B - 23-2-2006 at 18:49

are the air bags standard then or do you think they are extras

Jonny - 24-2-2006 at 10:17

wouldnt wanna argue with her!!

danh - 24-2-2006 at 14:08

She really has got legs upto her armpits. Well my armpits anyway