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More theft from cars
MarkyP - 29-6-2005 at 07:11

A warning to all, as I know a few of you were elsewhere at the weekend.

I was talking to a coulpe of visiting Kite / Land boarders at the weekend who had arrived Friday afternoon, only to have there Nissan Micra broken into that night.

An 8.5m Blade III was stolen and Flexi MTB. Peter Lynn stuff and Ozone kites were left behind?

The thieves smashed a window and grabbed the kit from the back of the car.

Sorry this is all I know, but I think it happened on Ynyslas car park.

So please all be very careful about where you leave your kit, especially if your car is left unattended for a while.


rob - 29-6-2005 at 07:17

oh and if any kind soul finds a skywatch windmeter (a yellow one with black string lanyard) could they let me know please as i've lost mine over the weekend at ynyslas golf course or estuary somewhere along the line! ta

justal - 29-6-2005 at 14:31

I've lost mine too and it is exactly the same as Robs..... I reckon I could distinguish it from his by the knots in the rope though!

As far as the thefts go I think they happened overnight whilst the car was parked in the Golf Course Car Park and the owners slept nearby in a tent.


rob - 29-6-2005 at 15:20

that'll be another 30 quid replacing that then... and then theres the repair i've just organised, ive only just been paid and i'm wishing the month away for july's payday!

chris - 29-6-2005 at 16:49

i find it hard to belive people would break into a car and only steal a kite!!! what about the stereo. a pinch of salt i think.

MarkyP - 30-6-2005 at 07:05

Have you seen the stereo in Nissan Micra's??!?

dunk - 1-7-2005 at 14:57

Sounds like an insurance scam to me! I did see the glass the other day though.