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waterproof storage for keyfob+alarmfob
mNeil - 26-3-2005 at 09:50 /> Nick the hill sussed this one ;great idea already have one for the phone and this is a must for us van owners as well as car owners have alookSMALL PRICE TO PAY TO SAVE YOUR VEHICLE
if it dont go to the case ; go to accessories ,then waterproof storage and theitem is called KEYMASTER code 25336.

[Edited on 26/3/05 by mNeil]

justal - 26-3-2005 at 09:54

A bit expensive though, I got my aquapac from eBay for 99p


mNeil - 26-3-2005 at 09:56

ok Al but we dont all have the time to sit on ebay and wait.I WANT IT NOW!!!!!

justal - 26-3-2005 at 10:50

Yep... It was a buy it now item. No need to bid, just buy it there and then, nice, quick and easy. I don't think I've ever bought anything from eBay by bidding on an item.

I did of course have to pay postage on top of that but the guy sent it normal first class for 27p!


mNeil - 26-3-2005 at 11:46

BAH HUMBUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

justal - 26-3-2005 at 12:18

Just trying to save you some money... We can't all afford to throw it around.


mNeil - 26-3-2005 at 14:40

i should re-phrase that Al ;i have just been reading your order for new toys! again.

justal - 26-3-2005 at 14:49

Ah, but you don't know how much it all cost me...or should that be how little!!


col123 - 27-3-2005 at 11:20

wot you have to pay for gear..thats a new concept for me!!!!!

redmullet - 27-3-2005 at 23:59

I've found a cheap and cheerful way of keeping key fobs dry is to use 2 or 3 small zip lock freezer bags (most supermarkets have them), place key inside one and seal bag, and place this inside another bag, etc. A bit like russian dolls! I just tuck the bag down the neck of my wetsuit when sailing, and it doesn't move about beacuse of the tight fit. Not had any problems with this method - bags are airtight (you can blow them up), so no water seems to get in. Hope this is of some use for any likeminded cheapskates.



mNeil - 28-3-2005 at 13:38

some of us pay for gear with beer vouchers others with their time; now which is the cheaper of the two;of course beer vouchers! ask neil!