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Ask Neil
dunk - 15-2-2005 at 16:27

After a boozy night in Eygpt we came up with the idea of an "Ask Neil" thread as he's a wise dude. You can ask anyting you like here

I'll start,


Was Captain hook a single handed sailor? its been bugging me for a while

shem - 15-2-2005 at 18:47

Neil, My mountain bike keeps slipping out of gear when in front middle cog, and rear 2nd? Please advise o' wise one.

mNeil - 15-2-2005 at 19:35

ahaa! the dunkster, always a clasique this one, it of course depends on how many crew were aboard.
alas shem; in order to avoid these tedious miss-haps, its obvious- always peddle backwards.

col123 - 15-2-2005 at 19:35

neil why do people keep asking silly questions

col123 - 15-2-2005 at 19:37

another one oh wise one..was it Als alter ego in eygpt or just dunks fiddler crab fantasy

mNeil - 15-2-2005 at 19:39

to one as wise as the colonel all questions must appear silly

mNeil - 15-2-2005 at 19:41

alas poor fiddler ; on the other hand!

col123 - 15-2-2005 at 20:27

why does graham always sleep in the car yet his arms arent as big as dunks

col123 - 15-2-2005 at 20:28

can i answer shems question..cause your fat

shem - 16-2-2005 at 07:43

Well Col, Twch dyn pob sais. A cer adre y diawl tew!!

Feels better to have that off my chest.
hee hee.

[Edited on 16-2-2005 by shem]

LukeN - 16-2-2005 at 09:19

How do they get the figs into the fig rolls Neil..?

dunk - 16-2-2005 at 10:25

Why is there never anything new in antique shops?

col123 - 16-2-2005 at 12:32

whys the top of the stairs called the landing

mNeil - 16-2-2005 at 18:59

questions questions! one i have puzzeled on for a time: why when your hair stops growing on the top of your head does it start growing out of every other orafice; ears nose etc ummm now if anyone could answer that one a wise sage they would be.
actually shem probably answererd it, only he cant spell and so we cant understand what he said.

mNeil - 16-2-2005 at 19:01

actually i think luke that they form the biscuit around the growing fig trees and the clever bit is getting out the tree and leaving the fig.

mNeil - 16-2-2005 at 19:03

master dunkster , twas a wise man who opened the first antique shop no?

mNeil - 16-2-2005 at 19:05

colonel, the landing is where the sand man sets down as you go to sleep, you could hardly expect him to land on bumpy stairs ,now could you.

col123 - 16-2-2005 at 20:35

why is it when shem knows the truth he talks welsh

p.s. hello luke

mNeil - 17-2-2005 at 10:43

they apparently didnt get the + and - the correct way round when they wired up his forntal lobes.

Spooker - 17-2-2005 at 11:03

Appears to be a gap in the Sage's database of answers here, Shem is referring to the Colonel as 'that fat english devil'...if my schoolboy Welsh serves me correctly. Of course I am a bit rusty (and not a true Welshman Neil), so he may have been asking for a date?

dunk - 17-2-2005 at 11:04

My kites seems to pull to the left, Ive checked my lines etc. Is there anything I can do?

LukeN - 17-2-2005 at 12:22

swap hands at night...

LukeN - 17-2-2005 at 12:23

ps hello Col, hope the foot gets better soon...

dunk - 17-2-2005 at 13:36

Ha Ha, Welcome Luke, How's the stomach?

mNeil - 17-2-2005 at 14:45

seems like too many peeps are spending toooo much time on the net instead of working; and as for that Jones the outlaw from NOTTINGHAM!!!!!!!! well
see you this weekend,have finishe dthe bathroom !!!!!!!
up tomorrow

dunk - 17-2-2005 at 14:54

How many pairs in a bunch of grapes?

LukeN - 17-2-2005 at 15:07

Hi Dunk, stomach fine, back on solids ... so to speak...

Encee - 17-2-2005 at 19:27

Hope anyone can join this thread - I need to ask Neil

How do "do not walk on grass" signs get there?

mNeil - 17-2-2005 at 19:39

aha a bit like crop circles, one minute there not and the next they are.

mNeil - 17-2-2005 at 19:40

aha master dunkster; not got that problem myself but i am told if you bend down and use a mirror you should be able to count them!

dunk - 18-2-2005 at 16:57

Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, 'I think I'll squeeze these dangly things here and drink whatever comes out'?

bucski - 19-2-2005 at 07:41

Oh Wise One,

How do I remove the six points from my licence and then invent an invisible cloaking device for my new car so when I travel to borth I don't get apprehended by mr. plod?

Your sage wisdom would be welcome.

col123 - 19-2-2005 at 09:40

how do i stopped getting peed off already recovering from this injury...i think all diary entries should be banned until i'm fit to play

leonardo - 19-2-2005 at 19:42

I agree Col!! I'm DESPARATE for a sail!!! Can't wait to get my new kties this next week...Next weekend will be up all weekend long..pray for wind yeehhhaaaa

Don't worry Col, I reckon Neil and the crew have frozen their nuggets off after today!

justal - 19-2-2005 at 20:53

Actually it was a lovely sunny day most of the day and not that cold. Wind was a bit up and down though. Looks like the same again tomorrow as well, but tomorrow it should be cold..Looks like some decent NE's this week as well.... Nice 7am ealry morning starts while the air temp is still below freezing...Nice


dunk - 21-2-2005 at 10:01


When will it get warmer?

mNeil - 21-2-2005 at 18:00

ah mr dunkster; when you put on some clothing!

mNeil - 23-2-2005 at 12:25

Tim no matter what car you drive you might still have the problem that it is toooooo fast; saw you blast past me on the m52 sunday.
you could always try driving everywhere in reverse and wear a mask then maybe the police wont see you, failling that you could always have your car painted to look like a police car and drive everywhere with the blue lights on!
how about valium? should slow you down a bit.

dunk - 23-2-2005 at 15:16


Do illiterate people get the full effect of Alphabet Spaghetti ?

I had some the other day and it was full of the letter O, am I just unlucky?

[Edited on 23-2-2005 by dunk]

col123 - 23-2-2005 at 16:40

those were spaghetti hoops you muppet

mNeil - 23-2-2005 at 19:24

ah sadness colonel! we can but only conclude that he is suffering greatly from the fiddler syndrome and at long last it is turning the young master dunkster blind.

shem - 23-2-2005 at 19:31

Neil, how do I stop my fish fingers sticking to the grill? I always end up loosing half the bread crumbs.

Looking good for tommorow, any one braving the cold with me??

justal - 23-2-2005 at 20:16

Looks as though I shall have to work all day and then help my brother with a new website....
Neil, How can I pay the bills without going to work?


bucski - 23-2-2005 at 23:49

I tried the valium but that just confused me and I drove even faster. Though I could pull down the blue visor on my gath helmet, which might confuse mr plod - perhaps i could get derek to rig up some flashing blue lights on it - now that should do the trick!

justal - 24-2-2005 at 06:43

Neilll I have a question for you... How old are you today??

Happy Birthday!


col123 - 24-2-2005 at 09:22

how old is neil today..his birth certificates in latin if that helps

LukeN - 24-2-2005 at 09:52

Happy birthday Neil, I don't care what they all say about you, I think you are a sound man...

mNeil - 24-2-2005 at 15:29

shem put your fish fingers on tinfoil primed with olive oil first.
thanks y'all for the birthday greetings.
ok i'm only 54 in your years but still 18 in mine!

leonardo - 24-2-2005 at 18:48

HAPPY FRIKKING BIRTHDAY To MASTER BLueBeaRD!!! May the legend roll on..

leonardo - 24-2-2005 at 18:52

OLD Neil, where do i put my new Storm3 pump?

mNeil - 24-2-2005 at 19:10

keep it well hidden from the dunkkster , else god knows what he might get up to with it.

mNeil - 24-2-2005 at 19:17

oh forgot to add; just in case anyone is eyeing up my kites etc,the average age of my ancesters is about 100, my last grandma died at 104 and that was only becasuse she got tripped up by some old codgers' walking stick!!!!!!!! see you around for a long time dudes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

col123 - 27-2-2005 at 20:04

neil why did nick go pale at the NEC today, and why were the pies crap us being professional pie testers and all that..

mNeil - 27-2-2005 at 20:51

this is the reason nick is so pale; caught on camera this very afternoon signing away his savings to join the borth massif van club- AND WHAT A VAN!!!!! msee it it june and look forwatrd to the first beer in it!

mNeil - 27-2-2005 at 20:53

oh dear the pies ; the colonel and myself were very un impredessed with the pies .
easy col NOT ENOUGH LARD IN THEM!!!!!!!!

thehill - 2-3-2005 at 20:49

greetings everyone, finally got round to getting on the forums.
attached is a piccy of the van, v. excited, just got to wait until june for it to arrive, but that will give me a chance to find the cash anyway.
will hopefully be a bit more of a regular at the beach now!

thehill - 2-3-2005 at 20:54

another try at getting the piccy up

Pluto - 3-3-2005 at 19:00

Nice Van Nick. Where you sleeping until June then?

col123 - 4-3-2005 at 17:22

Mneil way is it that when i'm up for a session on the water, i come down with a bloody cold and have to spend two days in bed!!!

mNeil - 4-3-2005 at 19:01

dear Colonel
sorry to say that it might have something to do with the way you spell "way" why?

col123 - 4-3-2005 at 19:19


mNeil - 7-3-2005 at 18:23

now Colonel dont look too upset; i think those pies on the side of your head are aesthetically correct.

col123 - 7-3-2005 at 22:11

its a new idea i'm thinking of at the moment..carry you dinner on the side of your head then you'll have more time on the water..

also new tricks could be done including my signature move headspin to full pie bite combo

mNeil - 17-3-2005 at 00:45

i take it there are no more questions then?

col123 - 17-3-2005 at 16:00

neil why are there no more questions

mNeil - 17-3-2005 at 18:16

i think it must be beacuse people have ruun out of steam!

leonardo - 17-3-2005 at 19:05

and itz about time!

mNeil - 17-3-2005 at 22:47

well when the going gets tough, we know who to rely on then.