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Speed Demons!
justal - 8-1-2005 at 15:20

Woohoo, had an absolutely perfect session today (see diaries).

Started off maxed out with 35-40 knot winds (and gusts to 45 knots), but this soon eased to perfect 30-35 knot conditions, so with my new GPS toy I just had to go for some speed. I wasn't on ideal kit as a highly rockered wave board, wave-sail and the most chipped and battered fin you've ever seen aren't really conducive of speed, and nor are mad walls of whitewater and rough seas. Nevertheless, it certainly felt pretty fast out there and pretty scary at times too. It must have looked fast as well as both Will and Larry comented on the speed I was going whilst the watched from the beach. I managed loads of runs over 30 knots and the max speed I achieved was 33.4 knots (which I'm quite pleased with).

But, now that I kow how fast I'm going and how fast 30 knots feels like, it certainly gives me more respect for these guys that are out there beating 45 knots.... They must be stupid!

Especially when you consider that my 33.4knots was the maximum speed I reached, whereas the world record of 46 knots 0r so is the average speed acheived over a 500m course. RESPECT!


col123 - 9-1-2005 at 19:52

i managed 29mph today at blackrock i was following a vw transporter down the beach, when i spoke to the driver he said i was doing 29mph and i wasn't even going for it, so as Al says respect for those guys who hit 40+

i was on the 12mstorm3 and a 125 litewave

[Edited on 9-1-2005 by col123]

justal - 9-1-2005 at 22:22

You'll have to get yourself a GPS Col so you can see how fast you are really going... I'm sure being followed by a car isn't the most accurate way of tracking your speed. Especially as (according to Tim 'Bucksi') car speedos exaggerate everything by 10%.

Trouble is, once you know what speed you are really going, it never sounds that impressive... Today I had a few runs that felt pretty fast, but the maximum speed recorded by my GPS was a pathetic 22.5 knots (25.9 mph).


col123 - 10-1-2005 at 08:29

the speed was accurate as johns vw has got a gps system, to do with road angel thingy

shawn - 10-1-2005 at 09:43

Hey Al - 33 kts is impressive - I managed 32.8 at kirby - it really feels very fast indeed doesn't it - i'd love to be able to hit a wave at that speed - it'd be orbit time!!

Word of Warning though - I'm not 100% convinced on the accuracy issue - i've noticed the odd anomalous result - I spent fri n sat regularly doing 32 kt runs, and then clocked a 41.2 without feeling any faster - I don't think that speed is pos on the wave kit i was on so have decided to ignore it (sadly). So.... everyone needs to be really honest and disregard anything that sticks out like a sore thumb.

[Edited on 10-1-2005 by shawn]