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New Toy
Wes - 26-11-2004 at 11:26

Just got myself a grassboard. Now, ive done this before, but I'm gonna try something new with it. I've mounted a mast base at the front, got hold of an old NP V6, so I'm going sailing on the local cricket pitch! Anyone else done this? I saw someone doing it in Borth at the demo day, but not sure who.
Looking for tips.......

justal - 26-11-2004 at 16:13

By a grassboard. do you mean a mountain-board?? If so, the we've done exactly that here. Go with a small sail to start with, you'll be suprised at how little wind you need to get going in comparison to windsurfing.

There should be some photos somewhere on the site.


justal - 26-11-2004 at 22:31

Talking of new toys..... I got myself a nice new C-Skins wetsuit today read for those cold winter months ahead.... Not the easiest thing to get in and out of mind you, but I'm sure I'll get the hang of t. (If not I'll just keep it on!)


scotty - 26-11-2004 at 22:58

I got one of grogz's bora boards brilliant fun when you can't go windsurfing. As Al says go with an old sail you wont mind trashing as even with a small sail you can go scarily fast, I usually use a 3.7. This might seem obvious but I made the mistake of putting my feet in the straps the first time, let the sail go when I got scared and then couldn't get off the board at 30 mph with nothing to hold onto

paul s - 27-11-2004 at 18:15

We made our own. Plank of wood, biggest skateboard trucks we could find, stick on an knackered 3m sail and scare yourself stupid. Best to wear some wrist/elbow/knee/head protection !

Wes - 28-11-2004 at 23:16

Well now I just need some wind to try it with! I did just get going on a soggy football pitch, but I'm thinking a trip to Weston Super Mud could pay well.

Oh, and a 6.5 seems a little big now!

justal - 29-11-2004 at 07:25

WSm sounds like your best bet.... Messong around with these things is certainly a good way to hone your rig-handling skills and improving your tacking and gybing.... I wouldn't go trying forwards though!


Wes - 29-11-2004 at 08:18

Forwards - well it could be worth a go! Maybe I need to do it when the tide is out, into the bud flats....