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help me please
kiteboardingcrazy - 10-11-2004 at 16:05

Can u please help i have had kite equippment for sale on the site and people from overseas are e mailing to buy this stuff the problem is they say they are owed monies by another company and they will pay for the kite for them they say they will send me a cheque which i should bank and take out the cost of my kite then forward the rest of the money to there carrier,saying that i have just received a cheque today from ireland for £2000 and im not sure if this is a scam or not once i have took out the sale of my item i need to give them £1500 im not sure what to do can anyone please help

mNeil - 10-11-2004 at 16:30

THIS IS A SCAM!!!!!!! it has been used for ages now and you should have nothing to do with it or on your head be it!!!!!!!!!

bucski - 10-11-2004 at 23:36

yeah, it's a complete load of crap, i've had a few of em, completely ignore it!!

shawn - 11-11-2004 at 09:47

why not pay it into your account and then do nothing?

bucski - 11-11-2004 at 10:38

I know of people that have tried that but it really isn't worth it. The scam works by the money looking like its been credited to your account, so you send the guy your gear, but then when you try to get the cash the bank tells you there has been some sort of error and you can't get the money. Best to ignore.
Look at this site if you want a bit of fun about scamming the scammers!