We've had a good week here. been out pretty much every day with plenty of wind. My forecast today:
Cloudy at the moment, with an 18 knot NW wind. Today should see NW winds Force 4-5, easinf for a while then backing SW Force 6.
Oh God Al - you really must sort out your priorities.
On no - I got that wrong - sorry it's me who needs to do that.
I could do a diary entry -
"Had another good week in the office - a couple of hairy moments carrying my coffee back to my desk, but I managed to stay in control.
My computer hasn't crahsed for a while. Good Conditions (well the air-con is working) Good Performance (Not sure that's what the boss
Oh well - it'll soon be the weekend and I've just booked to go to Dahab
in November.
As long as its 5.7m weather I'm fine!!!..... And if its 5m weather theres still always the 5.7m that I can go out with... It might get
a little much in 4.5m weather, but I may as well give it a go!!
Never mind Dave, its looking windy for Sunday and Monday.
See you on the beach?
not so good locally this way although tues was a big blow , missed yesterday but looked ok but was a bit frazzled from work , yes
contrary to popular belief I do work and not just sail all week . "no pain no gain " but getting in at 7am off nights and having a
2hr microwave sleep and going back out sailing is sometimes tiring .
by the way Al how you still sailing you cant have much gear left to go out with ?