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What a week
justal - 26-8-2004 at 20:27

We've had a good week here. been out pretty much every day with plenty of wind. My forecast today:

Cloudy at the moment, with an 18 knot NW wind. Today should see NW winds Force 4-5, easinf for a while then backing SW Force 6.

was perfect. I had a nice sail first thing in 18 knot NW's then the wind eased all day whilst I was at work, before picking up to 18-25 knots this evening.... Makes a change, it usually blows all day and drops once we finish work... If only it did that every day.

Noticed that the evenings are drawing in though.


Dave - 27-8-2004 at 06:18

Oh God Al - you really must sort out your priorities.

On no - I got that wrong - sorry it's me who needs to do that.

I could do a diary entry -
"Had another good week in the office - a couple of hairy moments carrying my coffee back to my desk, but I managed to stay in control. My computer hasn't crahsed for a while. Good Conditions (well the air-con is working) Good Performance (Not sure that's what the boss thinks)"

Oh well - it'll soon be the weekend and I've just booked to go to Dahab in November.

justal - 27-8-2004 at 13:43

As long as its 5.7m weather I'm fine!!!..... And if its 5m weather theres still always the 5.7m that I can go out with... It might get a little much in 4.5m weather, but I may as well give it a go!!


AndyW - 27-8-2004 at 15:12

Never mind Dave, its looking windy for Sunday and Monday.

See you on the beach?

kelvin - 27-8-2004 at 15:13

not so good locally this way although tues was a big blow , missed yesterday but looked ok but was a bit frazzled from work , yes contrary to popular belief I do work and not just sail all week . "no pain no gain " but getting in at 7am off nights and having a 2hr microwave sleep and going back out sailing is sometimes tiring .
by the way Al how you still sailing you cant have much gear left to go out with ?