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next weeks forcast
dazzamuffin - 14-8-2004 at 18:58

im on holiday at borth this week comming and ive just looked at the forcast bloody excellent apart from its gonna rain oh well wife and kids are gonna spend some time in the caravan

justal - 15-8-2004 at 07:16

Hopefully I'll catch up with you sometime this week then Daz... I didn't manage to see you in the end last weekend. Apparently you were out on the water in the estuary on Sunday, but I didn't see you.


justal - 17-8-2004 at 06:17

Thursday and Friday look quite promising at the moment, there may be enough wind for some kitesurfing tomorrow as well.

Is anyone else around?


leonardo - 17-8-2004 at 13:02

I AM SO TEMPTED to take a drive down to for Thursday...mmmmmm does look styling for the 12m, maybe even the fast 10m AYE!

justal - 17-8-2004 at 22:27

Just thought I'd let you know, its 5.30am and just getting light and theres a good 20-25 knot Southerly out there so I'm off to the beach.

Not sure how long it will last as it isn't forecast to be this windy yet.


justal - 17-8-2004 at 22:41

Just been to check it properly by the water edge and its actually very gusty SSE with gust up to 36 knots.... Where did that come from!


shawn - 18-8-2004 at 01:42

Al - do you not sleep or something? 5.30 am? People have been locked up instraight jackets for less..... Did u go out then?

justal - 18-8-2004 at 02:27

Yep.... And it was epic. Started with the 5m and wave board but got completely blown off the water. Changed down to a very flatly rigged 4.5m which was still totally maxed out, but at least a little more comfortable. There were still times when it was way too much, but most of the time was perfect, hectic survivial conditions.... Love it!!


justal - 19-8-2004 at 05:35

Well, its Tursday Morning and its windy out there again... I'm too exhausted to go for an early one this morning, so its off to work and hope the wind lasts until around 4pm... Today is looking like the best day of the week wind-wise, so lets hope it holds all day.

SW all day as well, so it should be a more reliable wind than the unexpected winds yesterday.

See you on the beach later.
