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WIND - Tue & Wed?
Hans@BW - 3-5-2004 at 06:51

Anyone going windsurfing tomorrow or Wednesday?

justal - 3-5-2004 at 07:47


And today hopefully 14-18 knots NW out there at the mo.

Should be able to get ont he water at around 3pm on Tuesday (maybe earlier) and on Weds it depends on the weather. If theres rain it will be early, if not, it will be in the evening... Although I might get out first thing in the morning on both days as well.. (on the water for 6am)


bucski - 3-5-2004 at 18:39

i'm hoping to manage a quickie after work on tues about 5ish, though may head to aberdyfi as it looks SW

justal - 3-5-2004 at 19:58

The SW has filled in here already... Chris and Mike are still out on the water right now as well as I can see their kites from here.

I might try to get an early session in before work if anyone is around.


justal - 4-5-2004 at 04:53

Just thought I'd let you know that it is blowing a hoolie out there at the moment. Its also pretty miserable and pouring with rain so i'm trying to psyche myself up to get out there, but getting back into bed for an hour seems more atractive at the moment!
