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paging Dunk
paul s - 7-4-2004 at 18:45

Hey Mark, if you see Toddy can you ask him if he still has his Windsurfing Instructor Manual. Need one for Mark who is back from Canada next week and then doing a L1 instructor course. RYA are out of stock and it may a few weeks to get.

Seen any wind anywhere for Easter ?

dunk - 8-4-2004 at 15:52

Hi Paul,
Just seen Toddy, he say's he's got one and he'll leave it with me.

Wind looks pretty bad for the weekend, lets hope they're wrong !!

Looks like you'll be m/biking again !

paul s - 9-4-2004 at 08:12

Thanks Mark.
May be enough wind to get the girls out in dinghies....and yes I expect to be riding hills not waves