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shorty - 11-12-2003 at 23:28


i'm not from wales but brighton but thought i'd join in anyway

have just got into surfing, am totally crap but love it so don't care how much of an idiot i make of myself at least i'm having fun!

have a good freind whose from somewhere near hollyhead/rhosenger (i've spelt it wrong, sorry) just wondered what the surf was like up there and is it safe for a complete beginner like me to go in?



justal - 12-12-2003 at 05:27

Hi Shorty!

No need to worry about being from Brighton, this site is only Wales dominaited because thats where I live, but the more people we get contributing from elsewhere the better!.

N. Wales can be OK for surfing for a complete beginner. Check the Beach Guide on this site for more specific advice on the various beaches and their suitability for surfers.

Glad to hear you are enjoying surfing. Keep us informed of your prgoress, and use the Personal Diaries to record your sessions.

Welcome to Forces-of-Nature!!!


merrynmoron - 15-12-2003 at 20:48

just thouht id say a big ello to all u people out there i aint from wales am stuck in bloody essex i moved ere after livin in cornwall next to the beach dumbass thing to do or wot !!!! any way ave fun all and remember go out and to wotcha gotta do b4 the fat people get hungry

justal - 15-12-2003 at 21:01

Hi Merrymoron... good to have you on board.

I know nothing about Essex, so won't even mention it, but where in Cornwall did you live?? At a guess I'd say St Merryn???

You must have had a moment of madness to make you move AWAY from the beach!!


merrynmoron - 15-12-2003 at 21:10

well 2 reasons made me move ermmmm the 1st was the misses!!! yes sorry lads i did bow down to a women but shes worth it and secondly a better job offer (well better pay anyway) i still go home to cornwall all the time so lifes gr8 that way just cant get home from work and walk on to beach any more but i found some places near me (well an hour away) but thats better than nothin at all

shorty - 16-12-2003 at 08:18


you've got southend-on-sea in essex what more can a person want (!!!!!!!!) i lived in cornwall for a while but didn't return after going travelling which i now regret, its so lovely. although had a couple of disasterous nights out after drinking mead wine by the bucket load!!


merrynmoron - 16-12-2003 at 22:30

the meads is a dangerous thing!!!! worse than a rip current dunno wots worse!!!!!

shorty - 17-12-2003 at 16:45

i think mead is probably worse ha ha although never been caught in a rip yet!!!

bucski - 17-12-2003 at 23:16

i moved away from cornwall for a woman, worse thing i ever did! beware!!

merrynmoron - 19-12-2003 at 23:30

ahh my womens good to me she loves the beach even when its cold and wet while im in sea she sit in me van and make me a warm drink for when i get out she dont complain bout nothin and shell drive so i can get pissed wot more could i ask for!!!! just guess im lucky