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Hello from Manchester
Thodd - 14-11-2003 at 16:24

Hi everyone!
Just found this site today and it seems like you people do what I do!
I've dabbled in Kite buggying and mountain boarding but my main addiction is the sea!
I've been bodyboarding for about a year now mainly around north wales, but I do venture around Devon when my funds can handle the petrol money for the drive!
If theres anyone out there that can give me tips or help in the art of bodyboarding that would be great! I've surfed some monster waves but just seem to wipe out when I try anything fancy (I've got the skills of being under the wave down to a T!!)

It would be nice to hear from you!

shawn - 17-11-2003 at 09:14

Mornin' Thodd

Good to hear from another sea addict from round these parts. I'm based in Stockport but spend most of my time over in North Wales too! Mainly Anglesea and Abersoch.

Welcome to forces of nature. It's a wicked site.

Thodd - 17-11-2003 at 13:32

Hi Shawn!

Its good to hear i'm not the only sea addict in these parts aswell!
It looks like we get up to the same sort of deal!
I'm in Cheadle myself, only around the corner from you!
I'm no stranger to the A55 run through wales to get to the beaches! Its an absolute blessing when you get to pwllheli isn't it...... it means your nearly there!
Anyway, what sort of sea fun do you get up to?
I was down in Croyde the other weekend and got battered with the blown out conditions! I think I need to polish up on my wave forcasting skills! Still.... I wasn't going to drive the 300miles down there and not get wet!

Sometimes you get it right...and other times (like me) you get it REALLY wrong! I live and learn

shawn - 17-11-2003 at 16:32


Small world hey! - I've driven through Cheadle twice already today - I'll be sure to give you a wave next time I pass through!!

Yep - that left turn and drop down to the roundabout at Pwhelli is a god send - it's a gruelling trip to make every w/e & I've resorted to making the trip after 8pm, so the traffics got a chance to die down a bit - nothing worse than 3.5 hrs at 30 mph. Although - typically, having made the trip god knows how many times over summer, I got caught on camera about a month ago - in a place called BONTNEWYYD, on the A487, just after Caernarfon. Got a £60.00 fine and 3 points. My insurance co are rubbing their hands together in glee...... So - keep yer eyes open when in that area.

On the sea fun front, My main past time is windsurfing, soon to be closely followed by kitesurfing hopefully, although at the mo' I'd have to describe myself as crap!... As far as surfing etc. go, I've never really had a go, no idea why 'cos I know I'd love it - I guess most of the time that the surfs up I'd be out windsurfing, or getting dragged about face-first.
When not doing one of those, I do my best to wangle a seat on an affluent mates boat to go wakeboarding, but it's pants in comparison.

Have you tried 'rigbrother' website for wave forcasts? it seems a bit optimistic sometimes, but generally pretty acurate.

Thodd - 18-11-2003 at 12:14

Cheers for that ribrother link! It seems pretty cool! I'll add it to my ever growing list of forcasting sites; I think my boss is getting a bit suspicious with the amount of surf sites in my favourites list......... oh well

I'll keep my eye out for that speed trap in BONTNEWYYD, as I might be going down this weekend, i've never seen anything myself, which I suppose is a bad sign isn't it? i'll probably get a letter in the post tomorrow! "We caught you doing 50mph!!"

I've always fancied a blast on a wakeboard but never had the money to do it! I'm trying to persuade my mate to buy a jetski at the moment as I want to try some tow ins onto waves with my bodyboard. Apparently it quaters the life expectancy of your board but it looks well worth it when your getting 10-15ft airs!
I'll probably break my nose when I try and land them aswell!!

shawn - 19-11-2003 at 09:41

shawn - 19-11-2003 at 09:50

Yep - I know what you mean about the 'favourites' thing. Good job my boss probably has no idea what a 'favourites' thing is!

I'm not sure if the camera was a guy with a gun, or a permanent camera. I've never had my pic taken there before and generally drive through that area at a speed worthy of a few fotos. Maybe it was a one off, but keep 'em peeled just in case.

My mates boat has been 'winterised' now, so won't be in use until next spring, but stay in touch 'cos next year if yer up there he'll be glad meet up at some beach or other & take you out for a spin.

The jet ski is a great idea - I wake boarded behind one for 2 years! Great fun, and waaay more economical than a big boat. You can take 'em out in the waves too which wicked. Those tow ins sound interesting!! I'll be keeping an eye out for that sort of shinanigans - never thought of it myself, I thought that sort of action was limited to the likes of Laird at Jaws.

Gotta go earn some petrol money dude... In a bit.


Thodd - 20-11-2003 at 13:49

yeah... the tow in probably should be left to someone with more skill and experience.......
.....NAAAARRRRR..... i'll give it a bash and see what happens! Its not as if i'll get hurt.....(agree with me on this one, i'm trying to convince myself!)

right then I best get back to work, since i've taken 2 hours for my lunch! Whoops..

Dave - 20-11-2003 at 17:12

Seems, the Mancs are taking over this site,

I'm not sure you are supposed to talk about those smelly polluting engines though

But heh as you are very nearly from the right part of town, I for one aint going to complain. I started life in Sale Moor, I've already had this conversation with Shawn. Particularly the joys of Sale Water Park....

[Edited on 20-11-2003 by Dave]

Thodd - 21-11-2003 at 11:04

Hello Dave!

Hows it going!
Your right! They are smelly polluting engines! But if your getting dragged behind one I think that'll be the last thing on your mind
Its just one of those things that i've always thought "That'll be a stupid thing to do, I must give it a go sometime!" I think after I've given myself an injury my opinion will change tho

Is anyone doing anything exciting this weekend?
I'm contemplating going to abersoch even though I know the conditions are wrong for me!
It always seems to be onshore!

Either that or I might do a last minuite dash to the east coast... oooh I bet that north sea is almost tropical now we're in Novemeber! I must buy some more neoprene gloves, the one's I've got are full of holes and are as much use as a chocolate fireguard!

justal - 21-11-2003 at 11:06

Nothing too exciting happening here.... The forecast looks pretty poor as far as wind or waves are concerned, but there might be enough for some kite-surfing in the estuary on Sunday.


Thodd - 21-11-2003 at 11:13

I can feel another manic mission and an immense drive to find some waves!

I bet it'll be going off on the west coast of Ireland!.......nooo thats just stupid its far to far..........but only £40 on easy jet!
**noises of a hamster running on a wheel in my head**

Thodd - 25-11-2003 at 13:05

well so much for an active weekend!!!

I ended up demolishing a bottle of Absinth on Friday night, which basically turned my weekend into a living hell!
I dabbled in a bit of Mountain Boarding on Sunday (which i'm REALLY bad at). It didn't last very long due to the churning in my stomach and the complete lack of balance.