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Thought I better be polite
underdog - 15-8-2003 at 13:00

Thought I'd do the nice thing, and introduce myself

I'm Underdog, I have just started surfing after a 7 year abscene, so I am doing the one thing that's worse than learining, I am re learning.

I also play ice/roller hocky, and that's prettymuch me done.

SeanBo - 15-8-2003 at 13:11

Welcome...I wonder if Al will let you claim Ice Hockey as a FON sport?

underdog - 15-8-2003 at 13:18

Originally posted by SeanBo
Welcome...I wonder if Al will let you claim Ice Hockey as a FON sport?

I hope not, that would make it cool and trendy

SeanBo - 15-8-2003 at 13:21

I would have given it a try in my youth, but the old bones would probably give up if I started now. Shame really as it look fun and there is a good local team apparantly

underdog - 15-8-2003 at 13:34

Yeah man it is fun, I play Rolle rhockey more, since it's more local to me and it's not so expensive, run my own team, called The Underdogs Qualified for the British national championships the year before last.

It's the complete opposite of surfing, it's about being a team, and being nasty, ha ha

justanna - 15-8-2003 at 13:47

al will probably let you have the ice hockey....he used to play it himeself in his younger days in Bristol

underdog - 15-8-2003 at 13:51


justal - 16-8-2003 at 05:18

I think Ice Hockey will have to be entered into the diaries as an 'other' sport.

Its not really a 'Force-of-Nature' sport, but if you want to record it, you can of course. In actual fact, most 'Forces-of-Nature' sports are individual things, just you and the powers of wind waves and gravity!!!.. Plus a few mates and a couple of beers if possible.

I used to play Ice Hockey with the Bristol Bulldogs years ago... probably about 15 years ago now. I've been back on the ice a few times since, but I've lost most of the skills I had then..

Good to have you posting here Underdog, and good luck with the surfing. Which is your local break??


underdog - 16-8-2003 at 12:03

My local is Aberavon down in South Wales, although if I know there are waves I prefer to make the drive to Scare, it's far quieter.

Yep hockey and surfing are 2 different ends of the scale, with surfing you have to respect the water, and know that is always going to be in charge, in hockey, you respect no one and have to think that you are the one everyone is going to have to match.

Fingures crossed and a month of regular waves and I'll have some kind of ability again, although this whole new board thing is doing my head in at the moment.

Dave - 17-8-2003 at 09:37

Now if we are going to start talking team games - lets talk Rugby.

I don't mean the fancy bit involving the the brycream boys and the ball - I'm talking front-row rugby.

"never mind the ball get on with the game"

Wes - 17-8-2003 at 16:53

With you on the rugby Dave, mind you only growing to 6' I kind of like the ponces back play, i can run like hell but always ended up on my arse with a 17st prop sitting on my head! I think I crossed the try line once, shame it was my own!