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6 ft offshore righthander in N.Wales
gaggingforasurf - 1-5-2003 at 23:41

Hi all,
move up north from S.West in the last year and am needing info on the nearest breaks to Lpool as this is where I'm working presently. So desperate that I've had to learn to windsurf. Portugal appears to be the nearest decent surf to get to via Lpool airport at the Mo. I've tried supertubos a couple of times, a bit much for me tho. Ericieria is also a bit ficcle for me. I'll be happy with some mellow spilling easy stuff for now and I am well trained not to drop in and piss anyone off being a previous Croyde local (albeit yrs ago). Suffice it to say that I'm well trained.


justal - 2-5-2003 at 06:00

Thers not a lot of surf in close to L'pool I'm afraid. Your best bet will be Hells Mouth and other Lleyn breaks I should imagine, or the East Coast when its working and if you can stand the cold!!

I know that the Isle of Man can go off on occassion... I've seen it at a solid 6 foot and barrelling, but I'm not sure if it ever gets to the mainland coast up along the Lancashire coastline.

Hopefully someone here will be able to help you out on that one.

This part of Wales (Cardigan Bay) does have its moments as far as surf is concerned, but its quite a drive from L'Pool and the Lleyn is more consistent. Cardigan Bay is also sadly lacking in Right Handers.
