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FreezeTM - 9-6-2004 at 20:51

[Edited on 17-6-2004 by FreezeTM]

Bananaman - 9-6-2004 at 21:07

Hey man they are good pics but why would anyone want to buy them. I mean they are like £45 each or summit lol.

FreezeTM - 10-6-2004 at 12:39

[Edited on 17-6-2004 by FreezeTM]

Bananaman - 10-6-2004 at 18:03

Hey man I wasn't being rude just was shocked when I saw the price of the pics thats all. I think they are ggrrreeat but wouldn't consider paying even £32 for them. Sorry I upset you.

FreezeTM - 10-6-2004 at 18:49

[Edited on 17-6-2004 by FreezeTM]

Airborne - 11-6-2004 at 20:50

Well! If there BIG the price should be fine at around £20! Bannanaman i think we have to keep in mind that small sized posters showing waves at pipeline etc. in the many surf shops come at extreme prices! Hopefully i'll have time to look at your images soon freeze.

Welcome to the site anyway, do you do a forces of nature sport?

See ya around.

FreezeTM - 11-6-2004 at 21:18

[Edited on 17-6-2004 by FreezeTM]

Bananaman - 11-6-2004 at 22:36

Hey freeze. You know what, I might actually buy one lol, after my previous comments who would believe it but £20 sounds cool and I am thinking about getting one of the lightning pics cause they are awesome. I'll let you know. I've been a bit of a hypocrite really haven't I - damn.

FreezeTM - 12-6-2004 at 16:05

[Edited on 17-6-2004 by FreezeTM]

Airborne - 12-6-2004 at 20:50

I doubt if photographing thunderstorms is a sport exactly...but i'm sure that the pictures of the ocean etc. will gain you popularity on the site, just join in with the fun and posts, like your already doing.

By the way there is a private messaging thingy on this site...its called U2U messages. If you go to your "home page" on this site then you should be able to find a link which says "U2U messanger" (or something). Click on that and then type the name of the member in the "send to" box, type your member name in the "from" box and then type your message in the....guess what?...the message box!

(Then click send) Am i being too patronising again?


justal - 13-6-2004 at 07:08

Or, simply click on the u2u button at the bottom of each post... That link will take you a new u2u message directed at the author of the post.

If you have a new u2u message yourself it will tell you at the top right of each page, where it tells you who you are logged in as.


P.S. Do I get any commission if you sell photos through my site!!

FreezeTM - 13-6-2004 at 10:03

[Edited on 17-6-2004 by FreezeTM]

Airborne - 13-6-2004 at 12:45

No probs about the advice Freeze, but i think that Al has the easier way to do a U2U.