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Mr J (the kiter)
Mr J - 16-4-2004 at 07:36

Almost a year ago I (completely by random chance) came across a link to the Sheffield Kite Fliers forums and followed it.
Having had a mis-spent childhood of watching my father lose many toy kites to trees on my behalf and with owning a cheapo stunt kite that I flew for an entire holiday in Scotland I didn't realise I had a bit of a dormant kite bug.

So, I posted on their forums, went to their next session and that was the end of that...the dormant kite bug that is. Awakened with a passion (how poetic!) I had my first kite within the next three weeks (having had a good fly of a few different ones. My 4.5m Bullet (named Tallulah) was my first step into expensive kites.

A 6.4m Blade II folowed not far behind, then a Jam Session (for trick flying) and a 2.1m Little Devil for those insane-wind days.

Of course it would have been rude not to branch into mountainboarding and buggying. Eventually I purchased both (Scrub Easy rider and Peter Lynn XR) though I confess to being a buggy addict having taken a few painful tumbles off the board - I'll get back to it at some point, I just love my buggy.

So that's that. It's almost a year since I first flew but what a year.

Generally I fly in Sheffield or Chesterfield but I also try and get over to Cleethorpes, occasionally Theddlethorpe, Ainsdale and Fraisethorpe when I can.

So that's me...
