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Bananaman is here
Bananaman - 26-1-2004 at 23:03

Hey, I'm Bananaman.

justal - 27-1-2004 at 07:14

Woohooo... Bananman is here!!!

I wonder which avatar Bananaman will choose!!!


Thodd - 27-1-2004 at 08:28

Oh Noooo.... the happy Banana Avatar club is growing!!!

They'll be planning world domination next!!

bodhi - 27-1-2004 at 17:49

Better believe it! All hail happy banana!

I'm actually begginning to agree with the happy homosexual banana accusations. Anybody know any good avatars that aren't bananas or gay?

Bananaman - 27-1-2004 at 20:00

why is it gay? I luv bananas

Oh my real name is Paz and I live in London. I'm 31 and have been windsurfing for 9 months and am out whatever the weather whenever I can on my techno 283. I also snowboard and am going to the French alps next week wahay.

Thodd - 28-1-2004 at 14:55

Here you go...

bodhi - 28-1-2004 at 19:22

Banana Man, this is a previously discussed topic, see the Thread "Two very important questions" in the general topic.

Basically general consensus was that the "happy banana" avatar I was sporting looked gay. I've now had so much stick off thodd about it, I'm beginning to agree. Shame really, but it's no reflection on bananas rest assured!

Thodd... thanks btw.. I'm struggling with which part of "Anybody know any good avatars that aren't bananas or gay?" you found difficult? I'll have to draw you a picture.. when I can get to your house.. when the snows gone.. and my car starts.

[Edited on 28-1-2004 by bodhi]

[Edited on 28-1-2004 by bodhi]

Dave - 30-1-2004 at 16:43

bodhi - I have to admit that Thodd's suggested pic fill's both criteria.

Bananammananana - or whatever - hope you enjoy your trip - don't forget to fill in a diary entry - - so those of us left at home propping up the economy can enjoy reading about your fun.

PS - Got to admit I'm off to Egypt in Feb - It's hard to motivate myself to winsurf at Borth when I'll be in the Red Sea in 3 weeks.

[Edited on 30-1-2004 by Dave]

justal - 1-2-2004 at 08:50

Come on Dave... its looking windy out there now... Get out there and get some practise in ready for your holiday!!!

So what do people think of Bodhi's new avatar??


bodhi - 2-2-2004 at 18:31

I'm happy with it personally, it's not a banana, it's not gay, and it ain't gonna be any use to anyone else. It's quite big though isn't it, and erring on the side of self important! sorry about that.

justal - 2-2-2004 at 22:07

I'll make it a bit smaller for you if you want Bodhi??


Thodd - 3-2-2004 at 08:57

reduce it to something like 5mm by 5mm!