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diddy73 - 17-12-2003 at 23:53

Just been watchin a surfie prog and it had a spot on it called cyclops, where the hell is this place, that wave looks scary as shit, would'nt like to wipe out on that monster

Thodd - 19-12-2003 at 11:59

I've seen a picture of that thing..... it looks real scary.
I think its somewhere of the coast of west Australia.

Hmmm you've got me thinking now... I need to find that picture again!

Thodd - 19-12-2003 at 13:11

Found it!

Is this the wave you were talking about?
Its a monster!

diddy73 - 20-12-2003 at 15:29

yeah that's the monster, can't believe how far the lip kicks out