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Newboard with a ding!
Johnboy2007 - 5-5-2008 at 16:20

Hey all got a board off evilbay. Im really pleased with it its 7 ft o'shea fat boy flyer. Only im a little disapointed that theres a very small puncture like crack in the very bottom left corner. There is also stress lines on the bottom right frame? Dont know weather the latter is normal or not. Basically im a complete newbie and was wondering how to fix this can you get repair kits if so which will i need links please! apart from that the boards ace and i cant wait to use it!

The guy who sold us it said its Polyester laminate and very easy to repair just wanted some independant oppinions the actual crack is miniscule. I really dont want to have to send it back just for that when itll probably pick up alot more in my care lol

shem - 5-5-2008 at 19:02

Yes its easy to repair the ding, just get a ding repair kit or even some solar res, resin that sets itself under sun light), instructions on pack. pressure cracks arent good. take a photo and show us.

Johnboy2007 - 7-5-2008 at 09:56

these are the pics, i looked at it again today , the ding isnt a problem like you said but im worried about the fracture like lines radiating from it. Also stress lines on the frame right side of the board. Iv emailed the guy to let him know and see what he says. I didnt think surf boards were this fragile lol cheers for any help

Johnboy2007 - 7-5-2008 at 14:44

Right doesnt look like the pictures worked , never mind the guy got back to me and reckons it wont be a problem and is an easy self repair. Can someone send me links to the type of repair kit i need please i dont get it all, its a Polyester laminate board ?? lol. Im worried cos theres hairline cracks running up some of the board too can these be repaired too? Cheers answers in idiot language too please im new remember lol