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Woman windsurfs across Pacific Ocean
paul - 3-11-2003 at 18:27

A French woman has windsurfed almost 5,000 miles across the Pacific Ocean from Peru to Tahiti.

Raphaela Le Gouvello left Peru's capital, Lima, at the beginning of August on a specially-built surfboard.

She spent 89 days at sea on the board, which allowed her to eat and sleep in watertight compartments.

The European Space Agency provided the craft with an airbag system, which guarded against capsizing.

She has been escorted into the French Pacific territory of Tahiti by a flotilla of jet skis, yachts and canoes.

Ms Le Gouvello has previously windsurfed across the Atlantic and the Mediterranean and spent around seven hours a day at the sail on this latest trip.

The route across the Pacific from Lima to Papeete is straight, but bad weather and unpredictable swells make the crossing extremely hazardous, especially for a lone sailor on a board less than eight metres long.

Electricity on board was generated by solar cells, while satellite navigation ensured she was heading in the right direction, reports BBC News Online.

A back-up vessel did track her progress, but wasn't allowed too close, in order for the voyage to qualify as a solo achievement.

Ms Le Gouvello plans to resume her journey next year, sailing to New Caledonia and then on to northern Australia

Angry_Apple - 4-11-2003 at 20:11

thats amazing, I didnt hear about that. I knew that a Pembroshire local Kirsty Jones, kitesurfed between Dover and Calais. Thats an amazing contribute towards Women Participants.....