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Legends on Extreme TV
Spencer - 18-9-2003 at 19:32

HI all, AS some of you may have noticed Extreme TV are running a Extreme legends month,profileing top extreme sportsmen.Covering lots of sports, i was pleased to see Bjorn Dunkerbeck listed as 1 of these men,i have voted for him through the Extreme TV web site & would urge all the windsurfers on this site to do the same!!! Also Laird Hamilton is listed & he is a GOD,so i used my wifes e-mail address to vote for him,as only 1 vote per e-mail address is allowed,so all the surfers on the site should also take a gander...i think they are doing all the final results show on 22sept? Happy voting

justal - 18-9-2003 at 19:42

I saw some of that on ther Extreme Sports channel last night.... Did relaise you could vote online though... I think my vote will have to go for Laird as he really is a legend!!!

Bjorn is obviously a damn good windsurfer (and not a bad snowboarder or surfer either), but although he won the World Title more often than Robby, my windsurf hero/legend still has to be Robby Naish. For some reason Bjorn just doesn't have that certain 'something' that turns him from the best windsurfer in the world into a hero!

Just my thoughts, and I think Laird deserves the 'Extreme Sports Legend' title because he is just so good at everything he does, and he really does push it to the extreme. He 's always pushing the limits, and innovating new 'things' to push the limits just that little bit further... besides, that wave he rode at Teahupoo was just insane!!


Aunt Sally - 19-9-2003 at 06:52

I see that Lisa Anderson is on the shortlist too.... keeping the side up for the girls!!


Spencer - 19-9-2003 at 12:25

Hi AL,, yeah know what you mean bout Robby,he is way more of a legend than Bjorn,but i wanted to show my support for Windsurfers,its good that they acknolegded the sport. Thats why i used the wifes e-mail to vote for Laird(note i did call him a GOD before).My wife is 6 months pregnant & we were going to call him Laird,but its turned out to be a girl. Not long to the FON weekender now.