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Johnny no sail
J... - 5-7-2003 at 17:09

It has been a mounth and a half since I last got a sail.
What with kids and ignorant German hire centre chimps.
And now no wind here!
It really suck's


ajdesq - 7-7-2003 at 17:07

J... It's taken me 3 years of living in a 3.5m long caravan, a huge wad of cash, thousands of miles in travelling and a year off work to realise that those magazine articles you read all about how 'stoked' and 'awesome' these people are after doing their windsurfing travels are, in fact, written by LIARS!!!

As the forecast this weekend was for naff all wind I took all the kit off the car to dry out ready to pack for my trip to Canada. Besides, I was sick of carting it around for A MONTH without using it. I went to Worthing to have a look. It was blowing 15knots cross-on and everyone was having fun. Except me. My kit was 200 miles away. ARGH!!

You are in very good company!


justal - 7-7-2003 at 19:32

J.... A month and a half !!!! You're a better man than me. I start getting twitchy if I haven't been out for a week!!!

Managed a session today though which has kept me quiet for a few days.

ajdesq... When will you ever learn, that you should ALWAYS, ALWAYS take ALL your toys with you, no matter what. I take mine with me wherever I go and I only live 100 yds from the beach, so leaving that at home would seem like the sensible thing to do. But NO, I always take them wherever I go. And you must be the unluckiest person in the world, or some kind of jinx. I can't belive how little you've been out sailing lately considering that you are on a year off specifically to go windsurfing. No work, and no commitments except to go sailing and you haven't been out for a month!!! Maybe you should stay away from Borth as we don't want you chasing the wind away from here!!

Mind you, I'm sure there will be someone here who claims to be more of a jinx.


badexcuseforasailor - 7-7-2003 at 20:59

Its been nearly a month since I last got on the water Im getting really twitchy now neck is better but now theres no wind. I can't sail this weekend either as Im traveling up North for a few days so make the most of the wind everyone

ajdesq - 8-7-2003 at 12:40

I'm gonna set up in business, hiring myself out for fetes & kids parties, just to ensure good weather.

Except, of course, when I arrange to go out on the motorbike, then it p****s down!

As for taking the toys... don't forget the car came before the windsurfing, so I'm struggling around in my little yellow hairdresser's coupe! I desparately want a proper toybox - my heart's set on a Renault Trafic 2.5dTi, (sexiest torque figures on the planet!) but until I'm back at work no-one will lend me a penny, despite there being enough equity in my house to buy 5 Trafics! Frustrated? Moi?

So imagine... a Renault Megane 1.6 with a Quiverack & 3 boards on the roof, the hatch stuffed with cr*p, and a 4.5m caravan on the back. It's not working anymore!!!

badexcuseforasailor - 8-7-2003 at 15:26

If your after a renault traffic but can't find a decent one the vauxhall movano is exactly the same van with just diffrent badges they are even built in the same factory

J... - 8-7-2003 at 19:06

Cheers Guys feeling a bit sorry for myself I know but hey i need some salty dunking like any whale.
Al you are just a gready pig ..

justal - 8-7-2003 at 19:10

None Taken!!!!

markh - 9-7-2003 at 12:43

Don't worry J - at least you didn't have the frustration of going all the way to Saunton for a long weekend only to find there wasn't even a half-rideable foot of surf let alone any wind. Grrr....

Still, the frisbee throwing came on a treat!