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Aunt Sally - 6-6-2003 at 06:09

Moreno Takes On The Men!


For the first time in professional windsurfing history a woman will line up with the men on the starting grid of the Gran Canaria, PWA 2003 Wave and Freestyle Grand Slam.

Three times PWA womens Wave World Champion, Daida Moreno (Mistral, North) will compete on equal terms in the mens wave fleet, at one of the most radical locations on the PWA world tour Pozo Izquierdo, Gran Canaria. Her Wildcard entry will put her up against the best of the best in the first round, so she will be required to draw on every ounce of her strength, skill and local knowledge to make it into the top half of the fleet. The double elimination format however, will give her ample opportunity to show what she is made of and whether she really can outdo her male colleagues.

The decision to allow Daida to compete with the men follows on from the recent attempts by LPGA golfer Annika Sorenstam, to make her mark on the mens PGA event at Colonial in Texas. Daida is hoping to improve on Sorenstam who failed to make the prize cut.

Daida is highly respected among the mens fleet on the PWA world tour, and many of the men will feel at least some anticipation, particularly when pitted against her at her home break. The twenty five year old womens world champion hails from Pozo so knows the conditions. Moreno is capable of pulling off all the big moves including double forward loops, back loops and push loops as well as some radical wave riding. She will also have the support of her twin sister, Iballa, who is also a former PWA World Champion in the wave discipline.

Many of the men have enjoyed the relative safety of knowing that Daida has been safely confined to the womens fleet. Now that she has free reign, there will certainly be some worried sailors out there. Daida has the talent and capability to beat many of the male sailors at her own break and now the very real threat of facing her in competition may leave them less than at ease.

Interview with Daida Moreno
Q: Why did you decide to enter the mens fleet?

DM: It wasn't all my decision. People often talked about me being able to sail against some of the guys and after the situation on PGA tour the PWA suggested it might be possible. I guess no one wants to do ridiculous in an event, so my first answer was "no way". I have been trying to reach the guys level and feel that I am good enough to compete against them. The first heats will be against a top ten sailor. I feel confidence and believe in myself especially here in Pozo, but it is still going to be really hard to beat some of the top guys.

Q: How will you feel if you come up against Bjorn or Kevin Pritchard in your first heat?

DM: Well, if I have Bjorn I guess I will try all my best. Look at him, he is double my size!!! He has got a lot of experience and I hope he doesn't relax much CAUSE I AM GOING FOR IT!!!! Same for Kevin WATCH OUT!

Q: How far do you believe you can go?

DM: To be honest with you it all will depend on the seeding. I will definitely try my very best. Still my main goal is to do well in the womens event. We will see what happen

Q: Will your local knowledge be an advantage?

DM: I have been sailing OK lately. I am very concentrated and want to win the womens event. I will also do my best sailing against the men, I have nothing to lose! I know the place well and have sailed there all of my life, that has to be a big advantage!

Q: Are you going to kick some butt?

DM: I am really looking forward to do so...Watch out guys!

Q: Do you think some of the men are going to be scared to sail against you?

DM: I hope so, I have been working hard to bring my level up to the standard of the men, so now we will be able to see!

Q: What do the other girls think of your decision?

DM: I dont think they know anything yet. Some of them will think it will be an advantage, cause I will be tired (competing with the guys in Waves, Freestyle and waves with the girls), some of them will support me, and some others will want to compete with the guys as well, we will have to wait and see.

The event will take place between June 26th and July 3rd. Action from the Pozo event will be covered at and broadcast live on . Ground breaking broadband technology will bring the speed, the height, the wipeouts and the power of wave sailing right to you online daily.