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harness line length?
ste - 21-5-2003 at 13:27

OK - this might seem daft - but whenever i lookaround at the beach im surprised at the variation in terms of how differently people set-up their kit ie footsraps, boom height and harness line length.

And specifcally on the subject of lines - what is typical used by most - 24 inch??

Im using adjustables but notice i have mine cranked right in - a good few inches smaller than the technque of sizing wrist to elbow.

Whenever i have mine longer i feel that im taking too much on the arms or making me feel too removed / away from the board

Im talking only about <6m sails here

Any thoughts / feedback?


Dave - 21-5-2003 at 13:53

where do you put your Boom ?

I started putting my boom about shoulder high, (after a Guy Cribb session), as Guy reckoned I shouldn't be able to hook in until moving back toward the footstraps, otherwise you get back there and find it's all too close. If you can get your lines to be a little longer by lifting the boom you can keep your sail more upright and generate more power.

Are you using a Seat or a Waist Harness ?

ste - 21-5-2003 at 13:59

Actually i already have the boom pretty high - about shoulder/neck i would say...i only drop it if im getting control problems.

I use a waist harness for all my <6m sails as i prefer the implied upright stance that means i can look for ramps etc and be more inboard for carving etc

The sails feel good for me - but i have just noticed that on the beach most lines seem much longer. The catalyst to this question was i need to get some new lines and was wondering what size to get if i were to go for fixed lines...


justal - 23-5-2003 at 05:15

This probably won't help you, but I sail with my boom around shoulder height these days and 20 inch fixed harness lines.

I used to sail with a really low boom (below nipple height), but since switching to a waist harness it has crept up. I also seem to have my harness lines a little furhter forward on the boom than most people and my front hand holds the boom right up by the front end which most people don't seem to do either.

So... Don't be afraid to do things just a little bit different. Experiment with different settings and use what feels most comfortable for you... And keep experimenting with your settings as you improve.
