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Board to learn to Gybe on...
ajdesq - 11-5-2003 at 18:21

Yup, this is another one of those "what board shall I get?" postings.

Since my mate Andy likened my Axxis to a Mark 2 Cortina, I¥ve been thinking maybe I should get something a tad more... forgiving? I cannot carve gybe for toffee.

The vital stats: I¥m bog standard 75 Kg, want something that isn¥t frightened of South Coast chop, is a year or 2 old... 100ish litres.

I¥m guessing Starboard Carve 99, Mistral Flow, Fanatic Cross 100... but then BOARDS are implying a Freestyle board may be a good idea?

Is it the Axxis¥fault I cannot gybe, or am I just crap?

Over to the jury....

Cheers, Andrew

justal - 12-5-2003 at 06:04

Hi Andrew....

Its not the board that can't carve gybe, uts you!!! However, a wider, shorter and more forgiving board will help you crack thos gybes. The tend to be less critical as far as the arc of your gybe goes, and tend to hold their speed through the turn better even without perfect technique.

their extra width also gives you more stability during the rig and foot change stage and just gives you more room to shuffle around!!

I can't comment on the other boards as I've never sailed on, but I do have a Fanatic Cross 100 and it is relatively easy to gybe. Easier than the axxis anyway.

'Freestyle' Boards???.... I guess that depends on what you actually call a freestyle board. manufacturers tend to imply that many of their boards have freestyle leanings at the moment as thats the 'trendy' thing to do. Most real freestyle boards however are quick to plane, have a loose non-directional feel and are relatively slow. You'd probably be better off with a more allround board such as those you mentioned, which still allow you to blast back and forth at speed in relative comfort. Besides, most modern all-round boards are perfectly capable of doing some freestyle in the right hands.


kelvin - 12-5-2003 at 08:04

"want something that isn¥t frightened of South Coast chop, is a year or 2 old... 100ish litres. "
hey what you need is an AXIS
THEY MULE THOUGH CHOP and gybe very well but in a more powered , fast style

ajdesq - 16-5-2003 at 11:23

Cheers for that guys, you just saved me a wad!

Tarifa¥s a bit full on (in all senses of the word) so am heading to SE France via La Manga now in search of flat water.

Guess I¥ll just have to keep on practicing... even more time on the water??!!!