hello all... ok what i want to do is take off the rear footstraps, (there are 2 backfoots straps) and drill my own holes down the
centerline to make the board only have one backstrap. The only reason i haven't done it yet is that i dont know if i need to (or how
to) make soon to be drilled holes watertight? Anyone got any clues...?
Also i want to custom airbrush the deck, which i think includes removing the current grip (which i was going to replace anyway) via
sanding, then primer the whole top, paint my design, and then seal it with Aqua-grip to make the paint job last and re-grip the board
at the same time. Are these the steps I should follow, or can I afford not to sand the current grip or should I not be sanding in the
first place. + is regular car spraypaint that you get at halfords ok or will it melt the board. I think the boards plastic of some type
- Fanatic Mega Ray 276..
If anyone can help of give guidance t'will be much appreciated.
As far as the footstraps go, you can probably get/make something that will allow you to adapt the current two strap set up into a
single one without having to resort to drilling holes in your board.
All that would be necessary would be something that would screw into the current holes and span the area between the two sets of
straps. You could then attach the single footstrap to this rather than the board itself.