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Ynyslas does its thing!
justal - 6-4-2003 at 14:50

I don't know what the wind was like elsewhere yet today, but seeing as the forecast was only for Force 1-2 easterly winds, the Ynyslas has been pretty good.

I know I go on about how much better the wind can be here if its E-NE, but its been a good Force 4 all day. It did drop off for a little while around midday, but soon filled in again and there was certainly enough for windsurfing.

Was there wind anywhere else??


kelvin - 6-4-2003 at 20:02

narr nought this way eastly are crap, but get the same effect with s.w winds this way esp on hot sunny days .


badexcuseforasailor - 6-4-2003 at 20:13

was a bit breezy here not enough to sail but enough to make it cold for fishing, didn't catch nothing either

Yesterday was lovely and sunny had a nice day out walking, about 20 miles so it was sore legs and a bit of sun burn the time I got home

Maybe will get out on the water next weekend or maybe one evening this week......maybe

justal - 7-4-2003 at 06:16

Fishing!!!! ?

I guess its better than doing nothing!

There wasn't any wind anywhere else around here except at the estuary. If I hadn't been there anyway I wouldn't even have bothered driving down to take a look as it ws so still elsewhere.

Unfortunately high tides this week are around midday so it doesn't look as though I'll be going for a sail in the evenings this week.

Unless of course we get any real wind and I can go out from the sea front.
