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Wave riding in the UK
zozo22 - 3-2-2007 at 16:49

Hi everybody,
I am French and I am about moving to London for my work for a couple of years. I plan to bring with me my windsurfing gears in order to enjoy some nice waves up there. I do not know what kind of conditions you guys have, so I would like a couple of advices. Basically I would like to know what sails and what board I should bring to enjoy the waves in the UK (I only do wave riding. I am 75 kg. Have been riding in rather big waves in Brittany for quite a number of years)...What kind of volume for the board ? Rather a compact one or a standard shape ? Are the conditions nice and side shore or a bit messy and on shore ? Sail size ?
Well...any advice is very welcome (I can only bring one board) !
Hope to see you there.

dunk - 14-2-2007 at 14:17

From London try Kimmerage bay on the South coast, when its working it rocks and has to be one of the most scenic venue's ever.