Another email to pass on for anyone who is interested:
Guy Cribb is supposed to be doing his Intuition tour at Rutland this weekend but we haven't had enough takers.
He was offering a full weekend of tuition for £150 but if people cannot commit to the whole weekend he is now offering a full day on Saturday for £80.
If you can make either one or both days please let me know by return email or phone on 01509 881111
Cheers Bee
Shame forecast for this weekend is looking like being 3-4 mph 'tis my local pond
They're giving it another go on Sunday:
Sunday 13th Aug, 10.30am-4.30pm
Guy Cribb will be at Rutland Water, Leicester in association with Riks Windsurfing. Techniques usually covered include waterstarts,
planing in the straps & harness comfortably, tacks, gybes, some basic freestyle, kit tuning, stance and more.
£79 Per Person - only a few places left.
Contact Riks Windsurfing on 01233 873222 or email